錢包的英文 錢包用英語怎麼說?
wallet n.錢包;皮夾子;行囊;旅行袋
purse n.小錢包;小錢袋;資金;財源;財力;手提包;比賽獎金
常用 權威
1. 緊握錢包
clasp one's purse
2. 搶走錢包
snatch sb's purse
3. 掏出錢包
draw out one's purse
4. 撿錢包
pick up a purse
5. 丟錢包
lose one's purse
6. 蛇皮錢包
snakeskin purse
7. 電子錢包
8. 開啟錢包
open one's purse
9. 鼓鼓(囊囊)的錢包
plump purse; fat wallet
1. 約翰追上她,把錢包遞給了她。
John caught up with her and handed the purse to her.
2. 你把它拿到銀行,放在你的錢包裡。
You take it out to the bank and put it in your wallet.
3. 從我的零錢包裡拿出一枚25分硬幣。
Take a quarter from my little change wallet.
4. 這對環境和我們的錢包來說都是壞訊息。
That's bad news for the environment and our wallets.
5. 除了我錢包裡的所有東西,還有一張紙條。
Besides everything in my wallet, there was a note.
6. 翻看智慧手機的內容相當於翻查嫌疑犯的錢包。
Exploring the contents of a smartphone is similar to going through a suspect's purse.
7. 一天,約翰在上學的路上看到一位女士掉了一個錢包。
One day, John saw a lady drop a purse on his way to school.
8. 他們在沒有搜查令的情況下搜查被捕者的錢包或皮夾。
They go through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant.
9. 我找到了奶奶的錢包,把25美分硬幣放進了我的口袋。
I found Grandma's wallet and put the quarter in my pocket.
10. 那天晚上,她告訴凱文,有個善良的小男孩把錢包還給了她。
That evening she told Kevin about the kind little boy who returned the purse to her.
錢包(英文:Bag),粵語稱銀包、荷包,是存放金錢和證件的用品。有布、塑膠、皮革等多種材質。 錢包分為傳統的實體物品裝錢的包包和虛擬的電子錢包。
《錢包》是由金武烈、樸熙順等主演的電影。於2018年4月在韓國上映。 影片講述了七個人圍繞一個錢包發生的爭奪戰。
名詞 wallet; purse
1. 他的錢包被偷了。
His wallet has been stolen.
2. 皮質/塑膠錢包
leather/plastic purse
3. 空癟的錢包
cold/lean/light/slender/slim/shallow purse
4. 鼓鼓(囊囊)的錢包
plump purse; fat wallet
5. 電子錢包
6. 找到丟失的錢包
recover one's purse; find a lost purse
7. 隨身帶著錢包
carry one's purse along; have one's purse with one
8. 搶走錢包
snatch sb's purse
9. 拿出/掏出錢包
take/draw out one's purse
10. 緊握錢包
clasp one's purse
11. 撿錢包
pick up a purse
12. 丟錢包
lose one's purse
13. 開啟錢包
open one's purse