增加的英文 增加用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-20



increase v.增長;增加;增進;增強

augment v.增大;增加

raise v.舉起;把…往上提;使升高;提高;增大;使被聽見;使被考慮;使得到討論;籌集;募集;養育;教養;使復活;解除;把…從窩裡趕出;刺激…生成

add v.增加;新增;加起來;補充一句;進一步說

常用 權威



1. 增加屬員

augment the staff

2. 增加飲食

increase diet

3. 增加長度

increase the length (of)

4. 增加威信

add prestige (to)

5. 農業增加值

added value of agriculture

6. 增加資本

increase capital

7. 增加用費

increase expenses

8. 增加收益

increase the income

9. 增加風險

multiply the risk (of)

10. 增加配額

add to a quota

11. 增加財富

boost one's fortune; increase wealth

12. 增加盈利

improve profitability; increase profits

13. 增加人口

increase the population

14. 增加透明度

enhance transparency

15. 增加可信度

lend credibility to

16. 略為增加

increase slightly

17. 增加內容

add to the contents

18. 增加開支

increase expenditure

19. 增加歲入

increase revenues

20. 增加成員

increase the membership


1. 隨著距離的增加,理解也增加了。

As proximity increases, so does understanding.

2. 自願做兼職工作的人數大幅增加

There was a big jump in the number of people who report voluntarily working part-time.

3. 這項稅收不太可能增加財政收入。

The tax is unlikely to add much to its revenue.

4. 高增長率增加了學術創新的機會。

High growth rates increased the chances for academic innovation.

5. 中文受歡迎程度的增加令人驚訝。

The increase in popularity of Chinese has been surprising.

6. 糖尿病使人早逝的風險增加了一倍。

Diabetes doubles a person's risk of early death.

7. 你得增加意志力來挑戰自己的最愛。

You have to increase the willpower to challenge your own favorites.

8. 她能夠增加她隨身攜帶的現金總量。

She was able to bring the new total to the amount of cash she had with her.

9. 由於他的成果,水稻產量大大增加

Because of his achievements, rice production has been increased greatly.

10. 提高效率,並增加食物多樣性。

Promote efficiency and increase food variety.



增加(英文:increase),讀音為zēng jiā,漢語詞語,指增添,在原有的基礎上加多。例句為“增加農民的收入已成為當務之急了。” 近義詞為加上、填補、增添。反義詞為削減、縮減、裁減。相關古文有唐韓愈《黃家賊事宜狀》:“所黃既不增加,而兵士又皆便智。”



動詞 increase; augment; raise; add

1. 要求從那一地區撤軍的壓力增加了。

Pressure for pullout of the armed forces from that region/district has mounted.

2. 旅遊者的人數在不斷增加。

The number of tourists is on the increase.

3. 公眾對政府反腐敗運動的信心正在增加。

Public confidence in the government's anti-corruption campaign is building.

4. 該省人口在過去五年中增加了10萬。

The province has added 100,000 people to its population during the past five years.

5. 產量比去年增加一倍。

The output is double that of last year.

6. 顯著增加

marked increase

7. 大幅度增加

substantial/considerable/sizable increase

8. 要求增加

call for/demand an increase

9. 增加透明度

enhance transparency

10. 增加體重

put on/gain weight; grow heavier

11. 增加收入

increase/augment income

12. 增加票房收入

increase box-office returns

13. 增加面積

extend/enlarge the area

14. 增加難度

add to the difficulties; multiply the difficulties

15. 增加可信度

lend credibility to

16. 增加黃金儲備

increase gold reserves

17. 增加工資

raise sb's salary/wages

18. 增加費用/開支

enlarge expenditure; increase spending/expenditure/expenses

19. 增加對疾病的抵抗力

build up one's resistance to disease

20. 增加財政收入

increase revenues

21. 增加產量

raise/increase/boost production; increase output
