度假的英文 度假用英語怎麼說?
go on vacation 去度假;度假
go on holiday 去度假;去休假
vacation n.假期;休庭期;空出;騰出;辭去;假日
holiday n.假期;節假日;暫緩繳付期;(Holiday)人名:霍利戴
常用 權威
1. 度假區
2. 度假村
holiday/vacation village/resort
3. 度假者
holiday-maker; vacationer; vacationist
4. 度假旅館
resort hotel; holiday inn
5. 外出度假
be away on vacation
6. 度假目的地
vacation destination
7. 居家度假
8. 錯時度假
stagger vacations
9. 度假旅行
holiday travel
10. 度假勝地
holiday/vacation resort; vacationland
1. 我們還以為你去度假了或者什麼的。
We thought you had disappeared on holiday early or something.
2. 斐濟是世界上最著名的度假勝地之一。
Fiji is one of the world's best-known places for your holiday.
3. 度假者從來沒有任何理由去探索這個島嶼。
The vacationer never has any reason to explore the island.
4. 2010年,他去希臘潛水度假,被震驚了。
In 2010, he went on a diving (潛水) vacation in Greece and was shocked.
5. 他們喜歡在海濱度假。
They loved vacationing on the seashore.
6. 度假村什麼都有——酒店、海灘、購物和娛樂。
Everything is at the resort—hotel, beach, shopping and recreation.
7. 即將來臨的這個暑假我將和父母一起去海南度假。
I will go to Hainan on vacation with my parents this coming summer holiday.
8. 今年冬天,寒冷的東北部並不是一個度假的好地方。
The freezing Northeast hasn't been a terribly fun place to spend time this winter.
9. 一對瑞典夫婦正在義大利度假,他們想去卡普里島。
A Swedish couple on holiday were traveling around Italy, and wanted to go to Capri.
10. 但在度假期間,她在國際上就環境問題發表了講話。
But during her vacations, she spoke internationally about the environment.
度假旅遊vacationtour是利用 假日外出以度假和休閒為主要目的和內容的,進行令精神和身體放鬆的康體休閒方式(J.D.Strapp,1988)。
動詞 go on holiday/vacation; go vacationing; spend one's holiday; vacation
1. 他們希望春季去巴黎度假。
They hope to have a holiday/vacation in Paris in spring.
2. 度假中心
vacation/holiday centre
3. 度假目的地
vacation destination
4. 度假旅行
holiday travel
5. 度假季節
vacation/holiday season
6. 在海濱度假
spend a seaside holiday; vacation/holiday at the seaside
7. 外出度假
be away on holiday; go on holiday