反對的英文 反對用英語怎麼說?
oppose v.反對;抵抗;競爭
resist v.抵抗;抵禦;抵制;反抗;阻止;忍住;掙扎;抵禦…誘惑
fight v.打架;鬥毆;反對;爭吵;爭論;鬥嘴;擠出一條路;打;參;指揮
combat n.戰鬥;格鬥;鬥爭;反對
常用 權威
1. 反對票
dissenting/negative/dissentient vote
2. 反對派
opposing school; the opposition;opposition faction
3. 反對黨
opposition party
4. 遭到反對
encounter opposition
5. 反對意見
6. 反對盲從
oppose implicit obedience
7. 反對暴利
oppose profiteering
8. 強烈反對
strongly oppose
9. 翕然反對
be unanimously opposed (to)
10. 搖頭反對
shake one's head in disapproval
11. 反對浪費
combat waste; oppose extravagance
12. 反對形而上學
oppose metaphysics
13. 反對行賄受賄
fight bribery
14. 擊敗反對黨
bear down the opposition
15. 反對霸權
oppose hegemony
16. 竭力反對
strongly oppose
17. 反對提案
oppose a proposal
18. 拼命反對
make strenuous opposition; oppose strongly
19. 反對提議
oppose a proposal
20. 堅決的反對
determined opposition
1. Luthar並不反對給零花錢。
Luthar is not opposed to giving allowances.
2. 這些反對者只是反對監管本身。
These critics just oppose regulation itself.
3. 無法判斷是否真的有人反對行為廣告。
Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioural ads.
4. 這不是反對設定目標的理由。
This is not an argument against target-setting.
5. 工黨因反對發展而受到抨擊。
Labour is under attack for opposing development.
6. 老煙癮者對此表示強烈反對。
There is strong opposition from veteran nicotine addicts.
7. 它遭到許多村民的強烈反對。
It faces strong opposition from many villagers.
8. 但他們並不絕對地反對對方。
But they don't oppose (對立) each other absolutely (絕對地).
9. 其執政黨反對稅收和監管。
Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation.
10. 工黨長期以來一直反對公共部門的工會。
Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions.
反對(英文:opposition),讀音為fǎn duì,漢語詞語,指相反、對立,另指不贊成、不同意。相關例句有“我們要理直氣壯地倡導科學,反對迷信。” 相關近義詞有阻礙、反駁、阻撓,反義詞有願意、答應、響應。
動詞 oppose; resist; act against; fight; combat; object (to); take a stand against
1. 有反對意見嗎?
Any objections?
2. 她的父母竭力反對這門親事。
Her parents are dead set against the marriage.
3. 他的發言引起反對黨領袖的強烈反對。
His speech drew a counterblast from the opposition leader.
4. 母親堅決反對女兒再見那個男孩。
The mother puts her foot down and makes her daughter stop seeing that boy again.
5. 二十票贊成,十八票反對。
There are 20 pros and 18 cons/20 for and 18 against/20 in favour and 18 against.
6. 反對呼聲/意見/票
dissenting/dissentient voice/opinion/vote
7. 強烈反對
oppose strongly/vigorously
8. 堅決反對
stand firm against; oppose tenaciously/resolutely
9. 公開反對
be openly opposed/averse (to); come out (against)
10. 遭到強烈反對
meet with strong/fierce opposition
11. 搖頭反對
shake one's head in disapproval
12. 提出反對
raise/state an objection (to)
13. 表示反對
express/voice opposition (to)
14. 反對種族/性別歧視
oppose racial/sexual discrimination
15. 反對形而上學
oppose metaphysics
16. 反對行賄受賄
fight bribery
17. 反對使用核武器
oppose the use of nuclear weapons
18. 反對改革
object to/oppose reform
19. 反對腐敗
fight/combat corruption
20. 反對一項動議/提案
dissent from a motion/bill; oppose a motion/bill
21. 反對不正之風
combat unhealthy trends or practices
22. 反對霸權主義/官僚主義/鋪張浪費
combat hegemonism/bureaucracy/extravagance