粗糙的英文 粗糙用英語怎麼說?
coarse adj.粗的;粗糙的;無禮的;粗魯的;粗俗的;與釣淡水魚有關的;粗粒的;大顆的;難看的;不雅的
rough adj.不平滑的;粗糙的;不平整的;不平坦的;粗魯的;粗暴的;粗野的;粗俗的;未完成的;未加工的;粗製的;簡易的;基本的
ragged adj.破舊的;破爛的;凹凸不平的;粗糙的;參差不齊的;不規則的;精疲力竭的;疲憊不堪的;有壓力的;穿著破舊衣服的
unpolished adj.未磨光的;未擦亮的;未經潤飾的;粗魯的
常用 權威
1. 粗糙度
roughness; degree of roughness; harshness; rugosity; coarseness
2. 粗糙的仿製品
coarse imitation
3. 粗糙的外表
rough surface
4. 設計粗糙
be crudely devised
5. 雙手粗糙
have rough hands
6. 手藝粗糙
crude craftsmanship
1. 它們粗糙、簡單、便宜,有不同數量的線,從兩根到六根。
They were rough, simple and cheap with different numbers of strings, from two to even six.
2. 這塊木板一面光滑,一面粗糙。
The wooden board is smooth on one side and coarse on the other.
3. 一雙粗糙的手曳著我的上衣。
Rough hands plucked at my jacket.
4. 表面越粗糙,摩擦力越大。
The rougher the surface, the greater the friction.
5. 桌面仍有些地方粗糙不平,還要刮一刮。
There are still a few rough places on the surface of the table that need to be planed.
6. 她的皮膚因多年的風吹日曬而變得粗糙。
Her skin was roughened as a result of years of exposure to the wind and sun.
7. 她幹粗活,手變粗糙了。
Her hands became rough with hard work.
8. 這塊布摸上去很粗糙。
This piece of cloth is harsh to the touch. / This piece of cloth has a surface rough to the feel.
9. 牆上粗糙不平的地方在油漆前必須用灰泥墁平。
These rough places on the wall should be plastered over before painted.
10. 他的五官隨年齡的增長越顯粗糙。
[no obj.]his facial features appeared to coarsen with age.
詞目:粗糙 拼音:cū cāo 英譯: [coarse; rough-hewn;crude] 近義詞:粗獷 反義詞:光滑,精細,細緻,細膩,纖細。 基本解釋: 1.不精細 2.不光滑
形詞 coarse; rough; ragged; unpolished
1. 這塊布摸上去很粗糙。
This piece of cloth is harsh to the touch. / This piece of cloth has a surface rough to the feel.
2. 表面越粗糙,摩擦力越大。
The rougher the surface, the greater the friction.
3. 粗糙的表面
rough/granular/harsh surface
4. 質地粗糙
be of granular/rough/coarse texture
5. 雙手粗糙
have rough hands
6. 皮膚粗糙
have coarse/rough skin
形詞 crudely made; of poor workmanship
1. 粗糙的譯文
shoddy/unpolished/rough translation
2. 粗糙的仿製品
coarse imitation
3. 手工/做工粗糙
be crudely/roughly made; be of poor/bad workmanship
4. 設計粗糙
be crudely devised