充滿的英文 充滿用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-08



be filled with 充滿…

be full of 充滿, 佈滿

be charged with 被指控;負…的責任;充滿

常用 權威



1. 充滿喜悅

be filled with joy

2. 充滿勇氣

abound in courage

3. 充滿敬意

be filled with adoration

4. 充滿疑慮

not know one's own mind

5. 充滿恐懼

be penetrated with fear

6. 充滿憤怒

be charged with anger

7. 充滿活力

burst with vitality

8. 充滿朝氣

be full of vitality

9. 充滿寓意

be full of allusions

10. 充滿友愛

be affectionate (to)

11. 充滿仇恨

be consumed with hatred

12. 充滿感傷

be saturated with sentimentalism

13. 眼裡充滿血絲

one's eyes are bloodshot

14. 充滿青春活力

be brimming with youthful vigour

15. 充滿欽仰之情

be filled with veneration (for)

16. 充滿哀傷情調

be full of pathos

17. 充滿愛國熱情

be imbued with patriotism

18. 充滿愛心的父母

parents overflowing with love

19. 對前途充滿憂慮

worry about one's future

20. 過著充滿詩意的生活

live a quite poetic life


1. 課堂上經常充滿了笑聲和尖叫聲。

The class was often filled with laughter and screams (尖叫).

2. 他的工作室令人興奮,充滿樂趣。

His workshops are exciting and fun.

3. 易建聯覺得參加奧運會充滿希望。

Yi felt it hopeful to take part in the Olympics.

4. 他腦子裡一直充滿奇怪的想法。

His mind is full of strange ideas all the time.

5. 這個故事充滿了誤解和欺騙性。

The story is full of misconception and deceptiveness.

6. 無論如何,確保你的生活充滿樂趣。

No matter what, make sure you are having fun in life.

7. 充滿愛意的沉默往往比文字更有力量。

A loving silence is often more powerful (有力量的) than words.

8. 失望的淚水充滿了他的雙眼。

Tears of disappointment filled his eyes.

9. 空氣中充滿了賦予生命和活力的氧氣。

The air is filled with life-giving, energizing oxygen.

10. 她充滿了活力、熱情和幸福。

She was filled with energy, enthusiasm and happiness.



動詞 be filled/suffused/brimming with; be full of; be imbued/permeated/pervaded/saturated with; be charged with

1. 小女孩兩眼充滿了淚水。

The little girl's eyes were brimming with/filled with/full of tears.

2. 我總是對未來充滿希望。

I am always hopeful about the future.

3. 我心中充滿焦慮。

Anxieties occupied my mind.

4. 她心裡充滿柔情。

Her heart was overflowing with tenderness.

5. 他們的生活充滿了艱辛。

Their life is beset with hardships.

6. 他的好客讓我心裡充滿了感激。

His hospitality filled my heart with gratitude.

7. 空氣中充滿了濃濃的玫瑰花香。

The air was heavy/pervaded/saturated with the strong scent of roses.

8. 對未來充滿信心

brim over with confidence in one's future; be confident about one's future

9. 充滿幸福感/自豪感

be filled to the brim with happiness/pride

10. 充滿希望/進取精神/人情味

be full of hope/initiative/human touches

11. 充滿危險/風險/困難

be fraught with danger/risks/difficulties

12. 充滿同情心

brim over with sympathy; overflow with sympathy

13. 充滿恐懼

be penetrated with fear

14. 充滿活力

burst with vitality

15. 充滿感傷

be saturated with sentimentalism

16. 充滿憤怒

be charged with anger

17. 充滿愛國熱情

be imbued with patriotism
