重的英文 重用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-10


repeat v.重說;重申;再做;重複做;在口中留下餘味;重複;重演;重讀;重修;重複發生

duplicate adj.完全一樣的;複製的;成對的;二重的;雙倍的

overlap v.與…互搭;與…重疊;部分地重疊;部分相同;在時間上部分地重疊

superpose v.把…放在上面;疊加

superimpose v.把…放在另一物上;疊加

set store by 重視;尊重

lay stress on 注重;強調;偏重

attach importance to 重視;高度重視;強調

again adv.又一次;再次;而且;另外;再說一遍;再則;重又;作為附加

anew adv.重新;再次;又;再

afresh adv.重新地

once more 又一次, 再一次

layer n.層;覆蓋層;塗層;擺放者;鋪設者;產卵者;壓條;上層;產蛋的雞

heavy adj.沉重;密度大的;濃厚的;超過一般的;沉重的;重體力的;繁重的;重重的;沉甸甸的;重型的

weighty adj.沉重的;重的;十分重要的;極其嚴肅的;具有重要影響的

important adj.重要的;重大的;位尊的;顯要的;極具影響力和創造性的

deep adj.深的;劇烈的;極度的;深沉的;深色的;深刻的;幽深的;深奧的;深陷的;縱深的

serious adj.嚴肅的;莊重的;認真的;誠懇的;嚴重的;重要的;令人擔心的;大量的;大的

thick adj.厚的;密的;茂密的;密集的;黏稠的;不自由流動的;愚鈍的;笨的;濁的;沙啞的;親密無間的;交情厚的

discreet adj.謹慎的;慎重的;周到的;不顯眼的;不引人注意的

solemn adj.正式的;莊嚴的;嚴肅的;鄭重的

composed adj.鎮靜的;沉著的;泰然自若的

weight n.重量;分量;體重;重物;影響力;重;權重;砝碼;重量單位;權數

常用 權威



1. 分量重

be heavy in weight

2. 重癢疹

prurigo ferox

3. 疑心重

be too ready to suspect

4. 重信義

stand upon one's honour

5. 重譯本


6. 重放唱片

play a record back

7. 重放錄影

run replays of sth

8. 重讀音節

stress a syllable; stressed syllable;stressed syllable

9. 重柴油

diesel fuel oil

10. 重敘舊情

talk over old times

11. 味齁重

too spicy

12. 重40磅

weigh 40 lb

13. 重氮化合物

diazo compound


1. 速度騎車者必須小於109公斤。

Speeder riders must weigh less than 109 kg.

2. 病患者承擔了高額醫療費用。

The seriously ill are responsible for the bulk of all health care costs.

3. 世界上最大的珍珠14磅。

The largest pearl in the world weighs 14 pounds.

4. 夜空中,雲看起來又黑又

In the night sky, the clouds look dark and heavy.

5. 第三,紙製品比塑膠製品

Thirdly, paper products are heavier than plastic ones.

6. 由於它們體積小、重量,無法回收利用。

Because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled.

7. 她們認為自己比實際

They think they're heavier than they are.

8. 他的腿受了很的傷。

He broke his leg badly.

9. 它們的背部是扁平的,頂部是圓形的,而且非常

These have a flat back with a rounded top, and are very heavy.

10. 有點,但對於像這樣寒冷的夜晚來說是很棒的食物。

It's a bit heavy, but it's great food for a cold night like this.


重,多義字,有兩種讀音:“zhòng”和“chóng\,其一指重量(zhòng),例如汽車重達一噸;其二是重複、重疊義(chóng)。人東為重。東在甲骨文中代表行囊。造字本義:肩扛背馱的沉甸甸的行囊。重在演變中,加入土,表示人在土上負重,所謂遠路無輕載。 可做形容詞、名詞、動詞和副詞。




動詞 repeat; duplicate

1. 這兩道練習題出重了。

These two exercises duplicate each other.

2. 書買重了。

Two copies of the same book have been bought by mistake.

動詞 overlap; superpose; superimpose

1. 把兩張紙重在一起

put one piece of paper on top of the other

副詞 again; anew; afresh; once more

1. 這一頁必須重排。

This page will have to be redone.

2. 重敘舊情

talk over old times

3. 重溫舊誼

review one's old friendship (with sb)

4. 重抄

copy again

量詞 layer

1. 萬重山

range upon range of mountains

2. 雙重標準/目的/性格

double standard/purpose/personality

3. 多重性格

multiple personality

形詞 heavy; weighty

1. 話說得太重了。

That's putting it too strongly.

2. 這箱子太重,我搬不動。

This box is too heavy for me to move.

3. 工作負擔太重

have too heavy a work load

4. 分量重

be heavy in weight

名詞 weight

1. 這塊石頭有多重?

How much does this stone weigh?

2. 這個雞蛋有二兩重。

This egg weighs two liang . / This egg is two liang in weight.

3. 重達100噸

reach the weight of 100 tons

形詞 important

1. 重在參與。

It's the taking-part that counts.

2. 以友誼為重

set store by friendship

3. 以國事為重

put national interest above everything else

動詞 consider sb/sth important; set store by; lay stress on; attach importance to

1. 重調查研究

lay stress on investigation and study

形詞 deep; heavy; serious; thick

1. 顏色太重。

The colour is too deep.

2. 走路腳步很重

walk with heavy footsteps

3. 災情很重

be a great calamity

4. 私心很重

be extremely selfish

5. 傷勢很重

be very seriously wounded

6. 山東口音很重

have a marked/heavy Shandong accent; with a broad Shandong accent

7. 情意重

have deep affection

8. 眉毛很重

have thick eyebrows

9. 口味很重

have a heavily seasoned taste

形詞 serious; discreet; solemn; composed

形詞 considerable in amount/value

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