寬的英文 寬用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-04


wide adj.寬的;寬闊的;寬廣的;廣泛的;範圍大的;遠離特定地點的;未中目標的;大的;寬度為;張大的

broad adj.寬的;廣的;多學科的;多領域的;綜合性的;總的;粗略的;概括的;明顯的;濃重的

generous adj.慷慨的;大方的;豐盛的;善意的;量多的

lenient adj.仁慈的;寬容的;柔和的;平靜的

well-off 小康;富裕

width n.寬度;闊度;寬;範圍;寬大;寬闊;廣博;整幅的東西;池寬

breadth n.幅度;寬度;廣度;廣泛性;寬宏;寬容;門幅;幅面;一幅;整體效果

relax v.鬆弛;放鬆;休息

relieve v.緩解;減輕;解除;接…的班;換…的班;接替;解除某人的;使凸現;使突出

extend v.擴大;擴充;擴充套件;伸出;延長;延伸;提供;延續;包括;伸展

常用 權威



1. 擺寬

skirt width

2. 視野寬

have a broad view

3. 寬銀屏

wide screen

4. 御眾以寬

rule the masses with leniency

5. 較寬的前後輪距

wider front and rear tracks

6. 馬路又寬又平整

wide and smooth streets


1. 在300米的山腳有一堆殘骸。

There was a pile of debris(碎片) Across the bottom of the mountain 300m wide.

2. 穿山甲的頭很小,尾巴又長又

Pangolins have small heads and long, broad tails.

3. 長城長8000公里,15公里。

The wall is 8, 000 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide.

4. 它最的地方有18英里

Its widest point is 18 miles wide.

5. 這顆巨大的珍珠1英尺,2英尺。

The monstrous pearl measured at one foot wide and 2.

6. 這條街比那條街得多。

This street is much wider than that one.

7. 我們村裡有了更的道路,所以我們現在可以更容易地出去了。

We have wider roads in our village, so we can go out more easily now.

8. 在某種程度上,我們依靠長相,認為有大臉的人都處於主導地位。

In part, we rely on looks, humans wide faces are associated with dominance.

9. 去跟她說說話,讓她寬心。

Go and talk her into relaxing herself. / Go and talk to her to set her mind at ease.

10. 得知他們安然無恙,我的心就多了。

I was relieved to learn that they were safe.


寬(拼音:kuān)是漢語通用規範一級字(常用字),此字始見於西周金文,在“六書”中屬於形聲字,宀為形,萈(huán)為聲。寬本義是房屋闊大,後泛指廣闊面積大。“寬”字由本義引申指富裕、有餘。由此又引申指不嚴厲、不苛求,跟“嚴”字相對。由此又引申指放鬆,使其鬆緩。“寬”字由本義還引申指物體橫的距離。 (基本資訊欄主要參考資料:)



形詞 wide; broad

1. 他臉/胸寬。

He is broad of face/chest.

2. 他管得太寬了。

He is taking too much into his own hands. / He is poking into other people's business.

3. 寬領帶

wide necktie

4. 寬肩膀

broad/wide shoulders

5. 寬邊

broad brim

6. 眼界寬

have a broad outlook/vision

7. 視野寬

have a broad view

8. 路寬

wide road

名詞 width; breadth

1. 這兒河面有一英里寬。

The river is one mile wide here.

2. 這間房子寬20米。

The room measures 20 metres across.

3. 12米長,8米寬

12 metres long and 8 metres wide; 12 metres in length and 8 metres in width

動詞 relax; relieve

1. 得知他們安然無恙,我的心就寬多了。

I was relieved to learn that they were safe.

動詞 extend

1. 把截止日期放寬到月底

extend the deadline until the end of the month

形詞 generous; lenient

1. 嚴以律己,寬以待人

be strict with oneself and lenient with others

2. 寬嚴相濟

temper justice with mercy

形詞 comfortably off; well-off

1. 你用不著另找工作——你現在手頭寬多了。

You don't need to look for another job—you're well-off where you are.

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