藥的英文 藥用英語怎麼說?
medicine n.醫學;內科學;藥;藥物;咒語;魔法;神物;藥品
drug n.藥;藥物;毒品;興奮劑;麻醉藥;麻醉劑
remedy n.治療;藥品;公差;補救辦法;糾正方法;排遣手段;法定補償
cure v.緩解…的疾病症狀;治癒;加工處理;保藏;治好;解決;使(橡膠、塑膠等)硬化
常用 權威
1. 引產藥
drug used to induce labour
2. 一貼藥
a draught of herbal medicine
3. 引爆藥
primary/initiating explosive
4. 益智藥
5. 開胃藥
appetizer; aperitive
6. 針刺藥
prickling powder
7. 止汗藥
antiperspirant; antihidrotic
8. 抗病毒藥
antiviral (agent)
9. 奇效藥
miracle drug
10. 抑制藥
11. 磺胺藥
sulpha drug; sulphonamide
12. 消化藥
digestant; digestive
13. 創傷藥
vulneraria; vulnerary
14. 清熱藥
15. 藥浴池
dipping vat
16. 杵藥
pound herbs to powder
17. 原子彈藥
atomic ammunition
18. 固澀藥
securing astringent medicine
19. 安神藥
sedative; tranquilizer
20. 收斂藥
1. 我打算買些水果和治頭疼的藥。
I was going to buy some fruits and medicine for my headache.
2. 人們吃的東西可以是藥,也可以是毒藥。
What people eat can be medicine or poison.
3. 他清洗了傷口,在上面塗了些藥,然後把繃帶纏上。
He washed the cut, put some medicine on it and then put a bandage on it.
4. 一天吃兩次藥。
Take some pills twice a day.
5. 想象一下,這種藥製作簡單,服用安全,還可以免費獲得。
Imagine that this drug were simple to make, safe to take, and could be had for free.
6. 他吃了藥,覺得好過一點兒了。
He felt a bit better after taking the medicine.
7. 我吃過他開的藥,倒真是藥到病除。
He prescribed a draught for me and it worked wonders.
8. 這種藥可能使病人產生幻覺。
The drug may cause the patient to create hallucinations. / The drug may cause the patient to hallucinate.
9. 把藥放到孩子夠不到的高處。
Put the medicine in a high place beyond the children’s reach.
10. 這種藥劑量過大會損害肝臟。
Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.
藥,yao,從艸從樂。治疾病之艸緫名。 會意:解除疾病,恢復快樂。 指某些有化學作用的物質[certain chemicals] 藥稍熔,則以一平板按其面,則字平如砥(藥稍稍化開,此指松脂、臘等)。
《藥》是中國現代文學奠基人魯迅創作的一篇小說,發表於1919年5月。 該小說描寫了發生在辛亥革命時期的兩件事:一是貧民華老栓買“藥”為兒子治病;一是革命者夏瑜為推翻封建制度而英勇就義。前者是明線,後者是暗線。作者用“人血饅頭”為粘合劑,巧妙地將這明暗兩線融合在一起。
名詞 medicine; drug; remedy
1. 外用藥
external remedy
2. 假藥
quack medicine
3. 賣藥
sell drugs/medicine
4. 買藥
buy drugs/medicine
5. 開藥
prescribe (a) medicine (to); order/prescribe (a) medication
6. 煎藥
decoct herbal medicine
7. 吃/服藥
take/have (a) medicine/medication
8. 一味藥
a medicinal herb
9. 一貼藥
a draught of herbal medicine
10. 一煎藥
a decoction
11. 一劑/服藥
a dose of medicine
12. 一片/粒藥
a tablet/pill of medicine
動詞 cure
動詞 kill with poison
名詞 certain chemicals