幾個的英文 幾個用英語怎麼說?
a few 一些, 幾個
several det. & pro.幾個;數個
常用 重點詞彙
1. 幾個問題
a few questions
2. 幾個原因
several causes
3. 攝取幾個鏡頭
take several shots
4. 留幾個座位
reserve some seats
5. 四十幾個人
forty-odd people
6. 補充幾個例子
give some more examples
7. 掏摸幾個錢來
steal some money
8. 刪掉幾個字
delete several words
9. 做幾個假動作
try a few feints
10. 歪七扭八地寫幾個字
scrawl a few words
11. 分裂成幾個幫派
break into several factions;break into several factions
12. 把社會分成幾個階級
divide society into classes
13. 歪歪倒倒地寫幾個字
scrawl a few words
14. 上面列舉的幾個例項
above-mentioned examples
1. 這些措施有幾個令人振奮的動機。
Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives.
2. 市中心幾個街區的房租要貴得多。
A few blocks downtown would be much more expensive.
3. 公共汽車周圍有幾個電子照相機。
There are several electronic cameras around the bus.
4. 但很快我捕捉到了他的幾個眼神。
But soon I caught a few of his glances.
5. 幾個世紀以來,鹽也很難得到。
For centuries, salt was also hard to get.
6. 有幾個摯友的人往往生活得很幸福。
People who have several close friends often live happily.
7. 當他工作時,幾個男孩停下來觀看。
As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch.
8. 她已經結婚,也有了幾個孩子。
She has already married and has some children.
9. 我想成為一名登山向導有幾個原因。
I'd like to be a mountain-climbing guide for several reasons.
10. 她經常戴手套,外出時帶幾個袋子。
She often wears her gloves and takes several bags (袋子) when she goes out.
two or three; a few; several; a few of