傳播的英文 傳播用英語怎麼說?
spread v.攤開;鋪開;展開;蔓延;延伸;塗抹;塗;敷;擺桌子以備進餐;把飯菜擺在(餐桌)上
disseminate v.散佈;傳播;擴散的
circulate v.迴圈;環流;流通;在社交場合四處走動;給(一組人)散發
diffuse v.散播;傳播;使擴散;滲入;瀰漫;使(光)漫射; 減弱; 平息
propagation n.增殖;繁殖;傳播;宣傳;遺傳;蔓延
常用 權威
1. 傳播者
transmitter; propagator
2. 傳播學
media studies
3. 傳播迷信
spread superstition
4. 傳播資訊
diffuse information
5. 傳播媒介
6. 地波傳播
propagation of ground waves
7. 文化傳播
culture diffusion/transmission
8. 傳播訊息
disseminate news
9. 大眾傳播
mass communication
10. 引導傳播
guided propagation; trapping
11. 紊流傳播
turbulence propagation
12. 傳播疫病
spread an epidemic disease
13. 疫情傳播
plague transmission
14. 垂直傳播
vertical transmission
15. 甚高頻傳播
VHF propagation
16. 傳播謬誤
disseminate falsehoods
17. 波導傳播
wave guide propagation
18. 視像傳播
video on demand
19. 血液傳播
blood transmission
20. 高頻傳播
high-frequency propagation
1. 它仍然像嘻哈音樂一樣廣泛傳播。
It remains as widespread as hip hop music.
2. 她希望更多的年輕人傳播皮影戲。
She expected more young people to spread shadow puppetry.
3. 對貿易的擔憂一直在廣泛傳播。
The fears about trade have been spreading far and wide.
4. 今年冬天已經有很多病毒在傳播了。
There have been so many viruses going around this winter.
5. 他發現聲音可以透過金屬電纜傳播。
He discovered that sound could travel through metal cables.
6. 人們認為它可以阻止流行病的傳播。
It's believed to stop the epidemic from spreading.
7. 京劇已經傳播到許多其他地方。
Beijing Opera has spread to many other places.
8. 阻止人們編造和傳播謠言和虛假資訊。
Deter people from fabricating and spreading rumors and false information.
9. 你可以用燦爛的微笑來傳播快樂和幸福。
You can spread joy and happiness with a bright smile.
10. 我可以向世界傳播豐富多彩的中國文化。
I can spread colorful Chinese culture to the world.
傳播(英文:disseminate),拼音chuán bō ,意思是廣泛散佈。例:他們到處搬弄是非,傳播流言、破壞組織內部的和諧。 清·袁枚 《隨園詩話》卷十四:“一硯一銚,主人俱繪形作冊,傳播藝林。” 丁玲 《一顆未出膛的槍彈》:“訊息立即傳播開了。”
動詞 spread; disseminate; circulate; diffuse
1. 謠言在職工中迅速傳播。
Rumours are flying among the staff.
2. 蒼蠅傳播疾病。
Flies spread/transmit diseases.
3. 傳播流言蜚語很可惡。
The circulation of gossip is a vicious practice.
4. 傳播知識
spread/communicate/disseminate/diffuse/disperse knowledge
5. 傳播謠言
spread/circulate/diffuse rumours
6. 傳播訊息/宗教
spread news/a religion
7. 傳播文化
diffuse/spread culture
8. 傳播科學思想
disseminate/spread scientific ideas
9. 傳播疾病
communicate/spread a disease; transmit a disease
10. 傳播花粉
pollinate; carry pollen (from flower to flower)
11. 傳播奧運精神
spread the Olympic spirit
名詞 propagation
1. 波的傳播
wave propagation
2. 無線電波傳播
propagation of radio waves
3. 散射/直線傳播
scatter/rectilinear propagation