交通的英文 交通用英語怎麼說?
traffic n.往來於公路上的車輛;交通;非法交易;非法買賣;來往;聯絡;通訊;車流;貨物運輸;非公路交通
communications n.通訊;資訊;(communication的複數)
liaison n.配合;聯絡;加濃調料;蛋黃勾芡;連音;連誦;聯絡官;聯絡人;私通;通姦
liaison person 聯絡員;聯絡人;聯絡人
常用 權威
1. 交通量
(magnitude of) traffic flow; volume of traffic
2. 交通員
liaison person; underground messenger
3. 交通島
traffic island;traffic island
4. 交通車
office bus; shuttle bus; limousine
5. 交通燈
traffic lights
6. 交通壕
communication trench
7. 交通圖
route map
8. 交通網
network of communication lines
9. 交通崗
traffic police post; traffic box
10. 交通艇
patrol boat
11. 交通線
communication line/route
12. 交通站
liaison station
13. 小時交通量
hourly traffic volume
14. 交通指揮台
police stand
15. 阡陌交通
footpaths connecting with each other
16. 斷絕交通
stop traffic
17. 單向交通
one-way traffic
18. 交通樞紐
traffic hub;hub of communications; traffic conjunction
19. 水陸交通
land and water transportation
20. 城市交通
urban traffic
1. 這次交通擁堵教會了我們兩件事。
This new congestion teaches us two things.
2. 交通已經成為空氣汙染的近義詞。
Traffic has become synonymous with air pollution.
3. 它大大降低了交通事故的發生率。
It sharply reduces the incidence of traffic accidents.
4. 他們大大減少了路上的交通流量。
They have greatly reduced traffic on the road.
5. 美國的交通狀況實際上越來越糟。
Traffic in the U.S. is actually getting worse.
6. 4月8日:武漢取消對外交通管控。
Apr 8: Wuhan lifted outbound traffic restrictions.
7. 肉類消費和私人交通正在破壞環境。
Meat consumption and private transport are devastating the environment.
8. 交通燈是紅色、黃色和綠色的。
Traffic lights are red, yellow and green.
9. 警察在交通安全中扮演的角色。
The role policemen play in traffic safety.
10. 它對緩解交通擁擠有很大幫助。
It helps a great deal in easing traffic congestion.
動詞 be connected/linked
1. 阡陌交通。
Linking paths lead everywhere.
名詞 traffic; communications
1. 大霧使交通陷入癱瘓。
The traffic was paralysed by the heavy fog.
2. 交通陷於停頓。
Traffic has come to a standstill.
3. 陸上/市區/鐵路交通
land/urban/railway traffic
4. 公路交通
highway/motorway traffic
5. 高峰期交通
rush-hour/peak-hour traffic
6. 單向/雙向交通
one-way/two-way traffic
7. 交通擁擠
congested/dense traffic
8. 交通繁忙
heavy/busy traffic
9. 交通不便
have poor transport facilities; be inconveniently located
10. 交通便利
have traffic facilities; be accessible
11. 切斷/維持/指揮交通
shut off/maintain/direct traffic
12. 妨礙交通
interfere with traffic
13. 堵塞/管理交通
block/regulate the traffic
名詞 liaison [secret underground work, esp during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation]
1. 跑交通
do liaison work
名詞 liaison person; underground messenger
動詞 associate/collude with