潮溼的英文 潮溼用英語怎麼說?
moist adj.微溼的;潮溼的;溼潤的;含淚的;淚汪汪的;多雨的;溼(性)的
damp adj.潮的
wet adj.溼的;潮的;潮溼的;虛弱的;軟弱的;允許出售烈性酒的;不禁酒的;多雨的;雨天的;下雨的
常用 權威
1. 潮溼的地窖
moist cellar
2. 潮溼得讓人難受
be unpleasantly moist
3. 又悶氣又潮溼的地方
close and wet place
1. 在空氣極度乾燥或潮溼的條件下。
Under the conditions where the air can be extremely dry or moist.
2. 天氣太潮溼,不能工作,也不能睡覺。
It was too humid to either work or sleep.
3. 空氣可能非常乾燥或潮溼。
The air can be extremely dry or moist.
4. 他們再也不能忍受潮溼了。
They could no longer bear the humidity.
5. 天氣很好,但早上下雨後的地面仍是潮溼的。
It was sunny, but the ground was wet from rain in the morning.
6. 試著在潮溼的地方挖一個洞,以增加集水器的生產力。
Try to make the hole in a damp area to increase the water catcher's productivity.
7. 毛毛雨和潮溼的空氣\澆灌\了地面,使莊稼和植物生長。
The drizzle and the wet air \water\ the ground, which makes the crops and the plants grow.
8. 你千萬不要在潮溼的山路上行走,因為你可能會摔倒並受傷。
You mustn't walk on the wet hill path because you might fall and hurt yourself.
9. 天氣潮溼時,我的膝部就會疼痛。
My knee pains me on damp days. / My knee acts up on damp days.
10. 我非常討厭這種潮溼的天氣。
I’m heartily sick of this wet weather.
形詞 moist; damp; wet
1. 潮溼的天氣
damp/wet weather
2. 潮溼的海風
damp/clammy air from the sea
3. 潮溼的地窖
moist cellar
4. 氣候潮溼
humid/damp climate
5. 空氣潮溼
moist/damp atmosphere/air
6. 潮溼得讓人難受
be unpleasantly moist