除了的英文 除了用英語怎麼說?
except prep.除…外
but conj.若不;不過;然而;相反
outside of 在…的外面;除了
besides prep.除…以外
in addition to 除了...之外
apart from 除了…外(還), 此外
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 除了當地食物,有些人會吃西餐。
Besides local food, some people eat Western food.
2. 除了樅樹,所有的樹都落葉了。
All the trees lost their leaves except Fir Tree.
3. 除了一些舊模型飛機,什麼都沒有。
There is nothing but some old model planes.
4. 除了黑暗,植物還受不了寒冷。
Besides the darkness, the plants can't stand the cold.
5. 麵包師幾乎什麼都有,除了一匹馬。
The baker had almost everything he needed except for a horse.
6. 除了一個男孩,其餘的人都舉起了手。
The rest raised their hands except one boy.
7. 它們完全一樣,除了它們的電荷相反。
They are exactly alike except that they have opposite electrical charges.
8. 除了星期一,它每天都開門。
It is open every day except Monday.
9. 除了一些失誤,Chris表現得非常好。
Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well.
10. 除了我錢包裡的所有東西,還有一張紙條。
Besides everything in my wallet, there was a note.
介詞 except; but; outside of
1. 除了最後一部,我喜歡他所有的電影。
I enjoyed all his films with the exception of his last.
2. 除了他,所有人都到會了。
Everyone was present at the meeting but him.
3. 除了從頭再來,我們還能做什麼?
What else can we do, outside of starting all over again?
介詞 besides; in addition to; apart from
1. 除了一本小說,她還買了幾本期刊。
She bought some periodicals in addition to a novel.
2. 除了錢,盜賊還偷了什麼?
Did the burglar steal anything besides your money?
介詞 either...or...
1. 在假期,他除了看電視,就是睡覺。
He was either glued to the TV or lying in bed sleeping during the holidays.
except; but; outside of; besides; in addition to; apart from; either...or...