畢業的英文 畢業用英語怎麼說?
graduate n.畢業生
finish school 完成學業;畢業;放學
常用 權威
1. 畢業生
2. 畢業證
diploma; graduation certificate
3. 畢業班
graduation class;graduating class
4. 應屆畢業生畢業生
this year's graduate; graduating student
5. 下屆畢業生
next year's graduate
6. 畢業鑑定
graduation appraisal;graduation appraisal
7. 大學畢業生
university graduate
8. 畢業生名錄
roster of graduates
9. 畢業證書
diploma; graduation certificate
10. 畢業實習
graduation fieldwork;graduation fieldwork; graduation practice
11. 大專畢業生
college graduate
12. 畢業在即
will soon graduate
13. 高中畢業
graduate from high school
14. 歷屆畢業生
graduates of all previous years
15. 大專畢業證
associate diploma
16. 上屆畢業生
last year's graduate
17. 往屆畢業生和應屆畢業生
previous and this year's graduates
18. 符合畢業條件
satisfy the requirements for graduation
19. 本屆畢業生
this year's graduates
20. 本科畢業生
college/university graduate
1. 具體說明他們畢業後想做什麼。
Specify what they would like to do after graduation.
2. 他於1930年畢業於西南農業學院。
He graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1930.
3. 畢業後,他在家鄉當了一名歷史老師。
After graduation, he became a history teacher in his hometown.
4. 畢業要求規定了你必須獲得的學分數。
Graduation requirements specify the number of credits you must earn.
5. 她必須學習功夫才能畢業。
She has to learn kung fu to graduate.
6. 研究生現在的收入比畢業生高出40%。
Postgraduates now earn 40 per cent more than graduates.
7. 大學不願意承認今天的畢業生負債累累。
Colleges are reluctant to admit that graduates today are in heavier debt.
8. 培養畢業生對學校最有利。
It is in the best interest of a school to turn out graduates.
9. 高中畢業生有權利獲得更多的教育特權。
High school graduates are entitled to more educational privileges.
10. 在美國,五月和六月是傳統的畢業月份。
In America, May and June are the traditional months for graduations.
【詞目】畢業 【拼音】bìyè 【基本解釋】 1. [graduate]∶學生在學校或訓練班修業期滿或達到規定要求並透過稽核,結束在校學習。 2. [end]∶引申指小結、休止。
動詞 graduate; finish school
1. 他高中畢業後當了兵。
After he graduated from high school, he enlisted in the army.
2. 該大學每年畢業數百名學生。
The university graduates hundreds of students each year.
3. 符合畢業條件
satisfy the requirements for graduation
4. 以優異成績畢業
graduate with honours
5. 大學畢業
graduate from college
6. 畢業鑑定
graduation appraisal
7. 畢業於該所大學,獲文學學士學位
graduated from this university with a BA; be a graduate of this university with a BA