處理的英文 處理用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-09



handle v.觸;摸;拿;移動;搬動;操弄;處理;處置;加工;以手(或前臂)觸

dispose of 處理, 處置掉;處分

attend to 關注;處理;服務, 接待;關心, 照料

manage v.管理;經營;設法繼續生存;對付過去;處理;應付;主管;掌管;承受;當(運動隊或演出者)的經理人

conduct n.行為方式;舉止;品行;管理;處理;引導

punish v.處罰;懲罰;利用;粗暴地對待;使遭受嚴重打擊

penalize v.使受刑罰;使受處罰;處罰;使處於不利地位;不公平地對待;規定(或宣佈)(行為;罪行)應受處罰

常用 權威



1. 熱處理爐

heat-treated furnace

2. 處理價

reduced/bargain/sale price

3. 處理品

[usu shopworn/substandard] goods sold at reduced prices; bargain

4. 處理機


5. 顯示處理機

display processor

6. 真空處理

vacuum treatment

7. 處理不妥

be mishandled

8. 浸漬處理

dipping treatment

9. 自行處理

deal with on one's own

10. 處理資料

process data

11. 處理礦石

treat ore

12. 處理得當

be properly handled

13. 外圍處理

peripheral handling

14. 差錯處理

error handling

15. 優先處理

priority processing

16. 垃圾處理

refuse disposal/treatment; garbage disposal

17. 粉塵處理

dust management

18. 汙泥處理

sludge treatment

19. 表面處理

surface treatment

20. 酸化處理



1. 他們能夠更好地生存或處理疾病。

They are better able to survive or handle disease.

2. 所有日常工作都得到了及時處理

All the daily business has been promptly dealt with.

3. 獨處也能讓你更有效地處理問題。

Spending time alone also allows you to more efficiently take care of problems.

4. 但接下來的幾周我需要小心處理

But I need to be careful with it for the next few weeks.

5. 然後我的大腦將聲音處理成影象。

My brain then processes the sounds into images (影象).

6. 如何處理銀行賬戶和手機應用。

How to deal with bank accounts and mobile apps.

7. 有些學生不知道如何處理煩惱。

Some students don't know how to deal with worries.

8. 它幫助我們更有效地處理問題。

It helps us take care of problems more efficiently.

9. 他們幫助公共汽車處理複雜的路況。

They help the bus to deal with complex (複雜的) road conditions.

10. 澳大利亞處理不正當解僱悖論。

Australia deals with the unjustified dismissal paradox.



處理,拼音為chǔ lǐ,漢語詞語,指處置、安排、料理等,反義詞為擱置。



動詞 handle; deal/cope with; dispose of; attend to; manage; conduct

1. 她處理事情不分輕重緩急。

She is incapable of putting first things first.

2. 正確處理人民內部矛盾

correctly handle contradictions among the people

3. 交由某人處理

leave the matter in sb's hands

4. 將問題提交仲裁委員會處理

refer the matter to the arbitration board

5. 迅速處理

deal promptly and rapidly with; handle immediately

6. 妥善處理

properly deal with/handle

7. 親自處理

take sth into one's own hands

8. 草率/公正/冷靜/巧妙處理

handle cursorily/rightly/dispassionately/tactfully

9. 處理爭端

settle a dispute

10. 處理問題

attend to/cope with/settle/handle a problem

11. 處理事情

handle affairs; attend to/dispose of/deal with matters

12. 處理日常事務

handle daily work; deal with routine matters

13. 處理來信

handle letters

14. 處理兩者的關係

handle relations between the two matters

15. 處理家務

run the household

16. 處理國事

conduct state affairs

17. 處理法律事務

manage sb's legal affairs

動詞 punish; penalize

1. 嚴肅處理

punish severely; treat sternly

2. 從寬處理

punish leniently/with leniency

動詞 sell at reduced prices

1. 她被迫處理了自己的藝術珍品。

She was forced to dispose of her art treasures.

2. 處理積壓商品

sell old stock at reduced prices; sell off dead stock

動詞 treat by a special process

1. 汙水處理

sewage disposal

2. 水處理

water treatment

3. 資料處理

data processing

4. 垃圾處理

garbage/waste/refuse disposal

5. 處理資訊

process information

6. 處理傷口

treat/tend/attend to/doctor a wound

7. 處理磁帶

process a tape
