關門的英文 關門用英語怎麼說?
shut v.關;關閉;關上;封閉;合上;安靜;合攏;禁止通行;別說話;把…關在
final adj.最後的;最終的;決定性的;不容置疑的;無可爭議的;最後(達到)的;最終(達到)的
last adj.最後的;上一次的;最近的;惟一的;僅存的;最低的;最差的;上一個的;剛提到的;最不適合的
常用 權威
1. 關門打狗
bolt the door to beat the dog—block the enemy's retreat and then destroy them
2. 關門大吉
close down for good
3. 關門弟子
last student (of a teacher or trainer)
4. 關門主義
closed-doorism; exclusivism
1. 人們無法容忍辦公室關門吃午餐。
There is little tolerance for offices' closing for lunch.
2. 北京故宮博物院下午4點半左右關門。
Beijing's Palace Museum closes at around 4:30 p.m.
3. 莉莉讓兒子輕輕地關門,以免打擾別人。
Lily asked her son to close the door softly in order not to disturb others.
4. 大公司使用這種策略,目的是讓他們關門大吉。
The big companies use such tactics to simply close them down.
5. 由於冠狀病毒的爆發,全國許多學校已經關門。
Many schools across the country have shut their doors due to the coronavirus outbreak.
6. 除了我們,別家商店都關門了。
All shops are closed except ours.
7. 看模樣,這家飯館要關門了。
It appears that the restaurant is about to close up.
8. 關門前一小時不準入內。
No admissions are permitted in the hour before closing.
9. 他弟弟開飯館關門,他把房子賠墊進去了。
He lost his house supporting his younger brother’s restaurant project which failed.
10. 工廠去年就已經關門了。
The factory was shut/closed down last year.
關門(拼音:guān mén),漢語詞語,意思是指把門關起來,也可比喻把話說死,無商量餘地。
動詞 shut/close a door
1. 請隨手關門。
Close the door behind you.
動詞 (of a shop, restaurant, etc) close; shut; (of a business) shut/close down
1. 雜貨店下午5點關門。
The grocer shuts up shop at 5 pm. / The grocery closes at 5 pm.
2. 工廠去年就已經關門了。
The factory was shut/closed down last year.
3. 關門前一小時不準入內。
No admissions are permitted in the hour before closing.
動詞 close the door on/upon (esp negotiations)
1. 和談四方都不應關門。
Any of the four sides should not close the door on further peace talks.
形詞 final; last
1. 關門之作
one's last article/book
名詞 gate in a strategic pass