右的英文 右用英語怎麼說?
right side n.正面;較好的一面;可用的一面
right adj.端正的;正當的;正義的;理所當然的;正確的;對的;準確的;右邊的;右肢體的;右肢體穿戴的;十足的;絕對的;支援保守觀點的;右翼的;右派的
west n.西;西方;西部;坐在西首位置的人;(West)人名:韋斯特
conservative adj.反對改革的;保守的;守舊的;傳統的;謹慎的;英國保守黨的;保守黨派的;嚴肅持重的;傳統守舊的;老派的
常用 權威
1. 右側檢視
right sight view
2. 右括號
right bracket
3. 右航向
starboard tack
4. 向右拐
turn right
5. 右轉彎標誌
lane arrow for turning right
6. 禁止紅燈右轉彎
no (right) turn on red
7. 從左至右
from left to right
1. 雖然她是一個美麗的女人,但她的右臉上有一個明顯的疤痕。
Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a serious scar (疤痕) on her right face.
2. 他左勸右說,才得以息事寧人。
He tried hard and finally got the two sides to patch up their quarrel and effect a reconciliation. / It took him a lot of talking to bring about a reconciliation.
3. 向右擰把螺釘上緊。
Turn the screw clockwise to tighten it.
4. 他在不熟悉的右後位位置上似乎頗能應付自如。
He looked at home in an unfamiliar right-back berth.
5. 船向右改變了航向。
The ship canted to starboard.
6. 右外場(野)手。
Silly mid-on.
7. 他必須讓球向右(或左)繞過標誌杆。比較DRAW。
He had to fade the ball around a light pole.
8. 過了前面那座橋後, 再向右拐。
Passed front after that bridge, again right abduct .
9. 用此手法按摩整個右背部和上臂。
Use this to knead the whole right back and fore-arm.
10. 我用右手寫字,因此我是右撇子。
I write with my right hand. That makes me right-handed.
右,讀音yòu,漢語漢字,左上包圍結構。指面向南時,西的一邊,與“左”相對,還指地理上指西方;還指政治思想上保守或反動的等。組詞有“右手、右邊”等。 相關古文有:“兼愛,尚賢,右鬼,非命,墨子之所立也”,出自《淮南子》。
名詞 right side; right
1. 在中國車輛一律靠右行駛。
Traffic in China is right-handed.
2. 出席的有李先生(右起第三人)和馬先生(右起第二人)。
Present were Mr. Li (3rd right) and Mr. Ma (2nd right).
3. 靠右走
keep to the right (of the road)
4. 從右到左轉動頭部
turn one's head from right to left
5. 右前輪胎
front right tyre
6. 右轉
make a right turn; turn right
名詞 west
1. 山右
areas west of the Taihang Mountains
名詞 right side regarded as the side of precedence
形詞 the Right; conservative