二樓的英文 二樓用英語怎麼說?
second floor <美>二樓;<英>三樓
常用 重點詞彙
1. 購物中心的十二樓有一家電影院。
There is a cinema on the twelfth floor of the shopping center.
2. 我乘地鐵來到龔的二樓辦公室,那裡有一個手繪的標誌。
I took the subway to Gong's second-floor office marked with a hand-painted sign.
3. 他們住在房子的二樓
They lived on the second floor of their house and hired out/let out/leased the first floor.
4. 我們租了二樓的一套套房。
We’re renting a flat on the first floor.
5. 三樓的通道與二樓的一模一樣。
The passage on the second floor was identical to the one below.
6. 用來作二樓飾面的松木魚鱗板。
[as adj. shiplapped]shiplapped pine used as facing for the first floor.
7. 他們住在二樓一套寬敞的公寓裡.
They live in a roomy flat on the first floor.
8. 從他二樓的窗戶他可俯視國會山。
From his second-floor window he oversees Parliament Hill.
9. 我三步兩腳竄上樓梯,來到二樓。
I skipped up the stairs to the second floor.
10. 從地下室到二樓的一已計劃無效。
From basement to the second floor a void has been planned.
second floor