散粉的英文 散粉用英語怎麼說?
loose powder 散粉;蜜粉
1. 鼎鼎大名的米散粉,用後覺得名副其實哈。
Meters of the famous loose powder, with, I felt real Kazakhstan.
2. 使用散粉。散粉會固定粉底,還會使皮膚有光澤。
Apply a loose powder. This will set the foundation and cut down on shine.
3. 對保持花粉活力而言,散粉情況好的萌發率較高。
The conditions good for pollen shedding were also good for germinating.
4. 從我瞭解到的,新的含礦物質的散粉看起來就不錯。
From what I've seen and read, the new mineral-based makeup powders look good.
5. 散粉的基本功能主要是兩個,第一是充當粉底和彩妝的緩和劑。
The basic function of loose powder is mainly two, the first is to act as foundation and make-up of the relaxation agent.
6. 使用無光澤無油的粉底打底,再撲一些散粉或粉餅,然後再化妝。
Apply matte, oil-free foundation and set with either a loose or pressed oil-free powder before putting on other makeup.
7. 沒關係。她一般只用一點粉底和散粉,我也不知道該買哪種顏色呢。
It's ok. She normally just wears a little foundation and some loose powder, and I wouldn't know what shade to buy.
8. 那好,我使用散粉來避免我的皮膚變差但是任然沒有好轉,我還是有黑頭和粉刺。
Well, i have been using only loose powder to avoid congesting my skin any further but see little to no improvement. i still get black heads and tiny bumps.
9. 小貼士:將幾種深淺不一的散粉混合旋轉著刷在臉上,將使你的妝容看上去更加自然。
Tip: Look for a bronzer with several shades swirled together for the most natural look.
10. 在顴骨,鼻子,下巴處刷上散粉。用柔和的高光在臉頰上做強調,腮紅和你的鏡框和諧統一。
Wear a luminous blush on your cheeks, nose, and chin. Highlight with soft color on the apple of you cheek to emphasize, rather than distract from, your glasses.
散粉(蜜粉,定妝粉),是一種化妝品,主要起到定妝的作用。粉質細,密度低,透光性高,可以防止油膩皮膚過分光滑或者過粘、減少汗液和皮脂,增強化妝品的持續性,撫平毛孔並提亮顏色,使肌膚產生柔軟絨毛的感覺。 散粉的正確使用方法是用散粉撲蘸取適量的散粉輕輕的敲幾下,將多餘的散粉打落在散粉盒中,然後均勻地按壓在臉部並將散粉逐漸拍開,最後用散粉刷將臉部多餘的散粉刷乾淨即可。