看的英文 看用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-08


look after 照顧

take care of 照顧, 照料

tend v.有某種傾向;往往會;照顧;照料;照管;護理;趨向;趨於;管理;易於

keep an eye on 留神, 注意

see v.看到;看見;領悟;理解;看望;探望;意外遇見;護送;與…下同樣賭注

read v.讀;閱讀;檢查並記錄…上的數字;攻讀;學習;複製;轉移;收聽到;聽見(無線電發射機裡的說話者)的話;理解

watch v.觀看;注視;觀察;注意;小心;節制;守夜;監視;留意;當心

look at 看著

judge n.法官;審判員;鑑定人;行家;鑑賞家;裁判員;評判員;士師

think v.認為;以為;想;思索;思考;我認為;想起;明白;預計;預料

consider v.考慮;思考;細想;認為;想;考慮到;相信;顧及;凝視

look upon 看待;把…看作

regard as 視為;看作

call on 要求;號召;拜訪(某人)

visit v.訪問;拜訪;使某人遭受;參觀;探望;視察;檢查;巡視;閒聊;遊覽

mind n.頭腦;智力;思維能力;注意力;心思;思維;意願;記憶力;意向;正常思維

take care 當心,留心;保重, 照顧好自己(多用於告別)

watch out 小心, 提防

常用 權威



1. 看手錶

check one's watch

2. 看照片

look at a photo

3. 看羅盤

read a compass

4. 看房展

visit a housing exhibition

5. 看影集

look over a photograph album

6. 看新聞

watch the news

7. 看一下

have a look

8. 看相術


9. 往上看

look up (at sth)

10. 看部落格

read a blog

11. 看房子

keep watch over a house

12. 看稀罕

enjoy the rare sight (of)

13. 看多者


14. 看錄影

watch a video;watch a videotape

15. 看鋪子

mind a store

16. 往前看

look forward

17. 看不真確

can't see clearly

18. 看大戲

watch a full-scale opera

19. 看地圖

read a map (of)

20. 看閒書

do some light reading


1. 陌生人會盯著他,甚至取笑他。

Strangers would stare at him or even make fun of him.

2. 然而,我越,我就越感到困惑。

However, the more I watched, the more puzzled I became.

3. 好吧,我最喜歡幽默的卡通片。

Well, I like watching humorous cartoons best.

4. 相反,他一直在他想的東西。

Instead, he watches whatever he wants all the time.

5. 13%的人每週四至六次電視。

Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week.

6. 你最好帶他們去動物醫院獸醫。

You'd better take them to see a veterinarian in an animal hospital.

7. 今天,人們用現代機器天空。

Today people use modern machines to look at the sky.

8. 我今晚會日本對波蘭的比賽。

I'll watch the match between Japan and Poland tonight.

9. 從下往上的歷史與偉人傳記並列。

History from below stood alongside biographies of great men.

10. 通常醫生是從接待員開始的。

A usual visit to a doctor begins with a receptionist (接待員).






動詞 look after; take care of; tend

1. 看羊

herd/watch sheep

2. 看行李

keep an eye on the luggage

3. 看鋪子

mind a store

4. 看牛

tend cattle

5. 看機器

mind/tend a machine; look after a machine

6. 看孩子

look after a child; take care of a child

7. 看瓜田

keep watch in the melon fields

8. 看房子

keep watch over a house

動詞 keep under surveillance; keep an eye on

1. 家裡把她看得很嚴。

Her family keeps a strict watch over her.

2. 看犯人

guard prisoners; keep an eye on the prisoners

3. 看住對方的後衛

mark the opponent's guard

動詞 see; read; watch; look at

1. 我希望還能再看到你。

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

2. 他看了看錶。

He took a look at his watch.

3. 看戲

go to the theatre

4. 看球賽

watch a ball game

5. 看照片

look at a photo

6. 看電影

see a film/movie; go to the cinema/a film/the movies

7. 看錄影

watch a videotape

8. 看電視

watch TV

9. 看報/書/雜誌

read a newspaper/book/magazine

動詞 look after; take care of

動詞 judge; think; consider

動詞 look upon; regard as

動詞 see or consult a doctor; treat a patient or an illness

動詞 call on; visit; see

動詞 depend/hinge on

動詞 mind; take care; watch out

助詞 [used after a reduplicated verb or a verb phrase] try and see (what happens)

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