洗的英文 洗用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12


wash v.洗;沖洗;沖掉;沖走;粉刷;塗刷;塗顏料於;站得住腳;經得起檢驗

bathe v.洗浴;戲水;浸洗;輕輕拭洗;給…洗澡;沐浴在…中;沉浸在…中

redress v.矯正;補救;平反;洗雪;重新放直

right adj.端正的;正當的;正義的;理所當然的;正確的;對的;準確的;右邊的;右肢體的;右肢體穿戴的;十足的;絕對的;支援保守觀點的;右翼的;右派的

sack n.麻袋;布袋;厚紙袋;塑膠袋;大袋;寬鬆的衣服;床;開除;解僱;壘;擒抱樞紐前衛;洗劫;劫掠;薩克葡萄酒

devastate v.摧毀;破壞;毀滅;使…震驚

develop v.成長;發育;發展;產生;感受;具有;使…顯影;開發土地;利用土地資源

process n.步驟;程式;方法;傳票;端突;突起;加工;工序;變化過程;程序

clear away 收拾餐桌

clean up 清理, 清理乾淨, 打掃;發大財;贏得(一項或系列體育競賽或賽事)大滿貫

eliminate v.消除;根除;排除;排洩;對…不予考慮;把…排除在外;殺死;除掉;淘汰;消去

baptism n.浸禮;洗禮;洗禮儀式;初次體驗;考驗

常用 權威



1. 洗餐具

do the washing-up; wash up

2. 洗片子

develop an exposed film

3. 洗盆浴

have a tub bath

4. 洗藥浴

take a medicinal bath

5. 洗車工

car washer

6. 洗骨牌

shuffle the dominoes

7. 洗腎機

dialyser; dialysator

8. 洗麻將牌

shuffle the mahjong tiles

9. 洗磁頭

clean a magnetic head

10. 洗腳盆

footbath barrel

11. 洗髮粉

dry shampoo

12. 洗幾件小衣裳

wash one's smalls

13. 洗彩色照片

process a colour photo

14. 洗髮護髮用品

shampoos and hair care products

15. 洗太陽浴

take sun baths

16. 可機洗的褲子

machine-washable trousers


1. 使用電動腳盆時,水不會變涼。

The water won't get cold when the electric foot basin is used.

2. 帶著憤怒的吼叫,熊跑到湖邊眼睛。

With an angry roar (吼叫), the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes.

3. 露絲想知道是誰的衣服。

Rose is wondering who did the washing.

4. 當你每隔半小時一次手。

When you wash your hands every half an hour.

5. 我們需要每天牛仔褲。

We need to wash our jeans every day.

6. 湯姆經常自己運動鞋。

Tom often washes his sports shoes by himself.

7. 她們的女人把好的衣服整齊地晾在外面。

Their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry.

8. 為了保持健康,我們最好遵循七步手法。

We'd better follow the seven-step hand-washing method to keep healthy.

9. 我把晚飯剩下的盤子都了,還在瘋狂地笑。

I washed all the dishes left over from dinner, still laughing crazily.

10. 對於老年人來說,電動腳盆是最好的發明。

As for old people, an electric foot basin (電動洗腳盆) is the best invention.



筆洗是一種傳統工藝品,屬於文房四寶筆、墨、紙、硯之外的一種文房用具。 筆洗是用來盛水洗筆的器皿,以形制乖巧、種類繁多、雅緻精美而廣受青睞。筆洗有很多種質地,包括瓷、玉、瑪瑙、琺琅、象牙和犀角等,基本都屬於名貴材質。各種筆洗中,最常見的是瓷筆洗。 傳世品有:哥窯四方倭角小洗、哥窯葵口洗、哥窯月白牡丹花式小洗等。




動詞 wash; bathe; clean with water

1. 陣雨過後,碧空如洗。

The sky is as clear as having been washed after the shower.

2. 這被單該好好洗一洗。

The sheet could use a good scrubbing.

3. 她的裙子洗得褪了色。

The colour of her dress washed out.

4. 窗簾得洗了。

The window curtains need washing.

5. 你的床罩正在洗。

Your bedspread is in the wash.

6. 用肥皂/洗髮精洗

wash with soap/shampoo

7. 以淚洗面

be bathed in tears

8. 手洗內衣

wash the underwear by hand; hand-wash the underwear

9. 洗一下

have/get a wash

10. 洗後縮水

shrink in the wash

11. 洗乾淨

wash sth clean

12. 洗掉衣服上的汙垢

wash the dirt off/from/out of one's clothes

13. 洗衣為生

wash/do/take in washing for a living

14. 洗傷口

bathe/clean a wound

15. 洗淋浴/盆浴

have/take a shower/bath

16. 洗臉/手/頭髮

wash one's face/hands/hair

17. 洗磁頭

clean a magnetic head

18. 洗餐具

do the washing-up; wash up

19. 把有顏色的衣服與白色的衣服分開洗

wash the coloured clothes separately from the whites

名詞 washing utensil

1. 筆洗

basin for washing writing brushes

動詞 clear (from a charge of guilt or fault); remove blame from sb; redress; right; absolve sb from/of sth

1. 洗去罪孽

cleanse sb from sin; wash away one's sin; wash sb thoroughly from his iniquity

2. 洗去被告的罪名

vindicate the defendant from a charge

動詞 kill everyone or/and loot everything; sack; devastate

1. 匪徒血洗了整個村莊。

The bandits plunged the village into a bloodbath.

2. 洗城

massacre the inhabitants of a captured city

動詞 develop; process

1. 這卷膠捲洗得不好。

This roll of film didn't develop properly.

2. 所有照片都洗得很清楚。

All the photographs came out clearly.

3. 洗膠捲

develop a film; have a film developed

4. 洗彩色照片

process a colour photo

名詞 baptism

1. 受洗為基督教徒

be baptized a Christian

2. 受洗

accept/receive/undergo baptism

3. 施洗

administer baptism; baptize

動詞 shuffle (cards, etc)

1. 把牌好好洗一洗

give the cards a good shuffle

2. 洗骨牌

shuffle the dominoes

動詞 clear away; clean up; eliminate

1. 清洗

purge; eliminate

動詞 erase (a tape recording, etc)

1. 洗掉那段錄音

erase the recording

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