申請的英文 申請用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-30



apply for 申請

ask for 請求, 尋求;要價

常用 權威



1. 申請費

application fees

2. 申請表

application form

3. 申請書

(written) application; petition

4. 申請人


5. 申請離婚

apply for a divorce

6. 申請放行

request clearance

7. 申請立案

apply for the registration

8. 申請專利

apply for a patent

9. 貸款申請

application for a loan

10. 書面申請

written application

11. 開證申請人

applicant for the credit

12. 申請保護

file for protection

13. 申請國

applicant country

14. 申請執照

apply for a licence

15. 批准申請

grant an application

16. 申請調動

apply for a transfer

17. 輸入申請書

inward entry

18. 申請牌照

apply for a licence tag

19. 入黨申請書

Party membership application; application for Party membership

20. 申請獎學金

apply for a scholarship;apply for a scholarship


1. 所有申請者必須有駕照和汽車。

All applicants must have a driver's license and access to a car.

2. 我寫信申請成為一名志願者。

I'm writing to apply to be a volunteer.

3. 誠然,英國的城鎮並沒有被禁止申請

Britain's towns, it is true, are not prevented from applying.

4. 你可能就是你所申請職位的合適人選。

You might be the right person for the position you are applying for.

5. 只有人造產品可以申請專利。

Only man-made products are patentable.

6. 面試官按照從1到5的等級劃分申請人。

The interviewers had rated applicants on a scale of one to five.

7. 22歲時,他在英國申請了第一項專利。

He applied for his first patent in England at the age of 22.

8. 一年前,我在等待我的大學申請結果時。

A year ago, I was awaiting to hear the results of my college applications.

9. 請在申請中附上一張近照。

Please include a recent photograph in your application.

10. 它偏袒無家可歸的申請人。

It favors applicants who are homeless.



申請(Apply),拼音為shēn qǐng,漢語詞語,中性詞,意指向上級說明理由、提出請求,出自《晉書·劉毅傳》。



動詞 apply/ask for; file an application

1. 她已提出離婚申請。

She has filed a petition for divorce.

2. 他的律師提出了保釋申請。

His lawyer made an application for bail.

3. 請及早申請。

Early application is advised.

4. 入學申請

application for enrolment in a school

5. 求職申請

application for employment; application for a job

6. 貸款申請

application for a loan

7. 提出申請

make/lodge an application

8. 批准申請

approve/sanction an application

9. 拒絕/同意申請

refuse/grant an application

10. 遞交申請

submit an application

11. 撤回申請

withdraw one's application

12. 申請入黨

apply for Party membership

13. 申請破產

file for bankruptcy

14. 申請獎學金

apply for a scholarship

15. 申請加入俱樂部

apply for admission to a club

16. 申請護照/簽證/執照

apply for a passport/visa/licence

17. 申請調動

apply for a transfer

18. 申請補缺

put in for a vacant position; apply for a vacant post

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