平衡的英文 平衡用英語怎麼說?
balanced adj.平衡的;協調的;全面的;公正的;均衡的;平和的;鎮定的;對稱的
even adv.甚至;即使
balance n.平衡;協調;天平;配重;平衡力;重心;主要部分;結存;借貸差額;沉著
maintain equilibrium 保持平衡
equilibrium n.平衡;均衡;均勢;身體平衡;心理平衡;平靜
常用 權威
1. 平衡木
balance beam;(the game) balance beam exercises
2. 平衡點
balancing point; equilibrium/equalization point
3. 平衡覺
equilibratory sensation; sense of equilibrium
4. 平衡器
balancer; equalizer
5. 平衡杆
balancing pole
6. 平衡力
balance force; equilibrant; counterbalance
7. 打破平衡
break the balance
8. 基因平衡
genetic balance
9. 平衡價格
equilibrium price
10. 預算平衡
balance of the budget
11. 總量平衡
overall balance
12. 進出口平衡
balance between imports and exports
13. 外匯平衡
balance of foreign exchange
14. 平衡鹽液
balanced salt solution
15. 心理平衡
mental/psychological balance
16. 穩定平衡
stable equilibrium
17. 體內平衡
18. 生態平衡
ecological balance
19. 平衡比
equilibrium ratio
20. 不穩定平衡
unstable equilibrium
1. 有一半的電視節目是種族平衡的。
Half of the TV programs were ethnically balanced.
2. 文化和自然是分開的,但也是平衡的。
Culture and nature are separate yet balanced.
3. 失去平衡並跌倒是不愉快的。
Losing your balance and falling isn't pleasant.
4. 尋求傳統與新奇之間的平衡。
A search for balance between tradition and novelty.
5. 以新的方式平衡生活和工作。
Balance life and work in a new way.
6. 平衡看電視和其他差異活動。
Balance television viewing with other contrasting activities.
7. 露西會失去平衡,讓小孩子們慢下來。
Lucy would lose balance and slow the younger kids down.
8. 穴位被刺激以平衡氣的迴圈。
Acupuncture points are stimulated to balance the circulation of qi.
9. 我們必須找到正確的平衡。
We have to find the right balance.
10. 用更簡單的術語談論平衡。
Talk about balance in simpler terms.
平衡(拼音:píng héng),通常指衡器兩端承受的重量相等等意思。
《平衡》是由2002年2月出品的一部現實主義紀錄片,該片由彭輝執導,扎巴多傑是該紀錄片的主要人物線索。 該片講述了關於原西部野犛牛隊、索南達傑自然保護站及可可西里生態環境保護的故事。 該片榮獲“第十九屆中國電視金鷹獎”最佳長篇紀錄片獎。
形詞 balanced; not lopsided; even
1. 產銷平衡。
Production and sales are in balance.
2. 收支平衡。
Income and expenditure are balanced. / Receipts and payments were in balance.
3. 發展不平衡
unbalanced/uneven development
4. 平衡發展
balanced development
5. 失去平衡
be out of balance; lose one's balance
6. 保持平衡
keep balanced; maintain one's equilibrium; keep one's balance
動詞 bring into equilibrium; balance; maintain equilibrium
1. 她伸開雙臂使身體平衡。
She stretched out her arms to keep herself in balance.
2. 平衡預算
balance the budget
3. 平衡國民經濟
balance the national economy
4. 平衡工業佈局
even out the distribution of industry; balance the industrial layout
5. 平衡方程式
balance the equation
名詞 balance; equilibrium
1. 平衡是相對的、暫時的。
Equilibrium is relative and transient.