不健康的英文 不健康用英語怎麼說?
insalubrity n.有礙健康ˌ對健康有害
sickness n.生病;患病;噁心;嘔吐;某一特定疾病
ill health n.不健康
常用 重點詞彙
1. 長時間坐在螢幕前是不健康的。
Sitting in front of the screen for too long is unhealthy.
2. 飲食習慣不健康的人可能會更早死亡。
People with unhealthy eating habits are likely to die sooner.
3. 社交媒體會引導人們不健康地追求完美。
Social media can lead people on the unhealthy quest for perfection.
4. 不過,我們是可以抵制不健康的好奇心的。
Unhealthy curiosity is possible to resist, however.
5. 他們應該讓人們遠離對完美的不健康追求。
They should keep people from the unhealthy quest for perfection.
6. 他們飽受不健康之苦。
They suffer a great deal from ill health.
7. 不健康的飲食導致不好的健康,這是沒有爭議的。
It is not controversial to say that an unhealthy diet causes bad health.
8. 實際上,所有為兒童做的廣告都是不健康的加工食品。
And practically everything that's advertises for children is unhealthy processed food.
9. 不健康的人。
The people who were unhealthy.
10. 它重新揭示了不健康行為是如何引發心理健康問題的。
It sheds new light on how unhealthy behaviors trigger mental health problems.
insalubrity; sickness; ill-being; ill health