事實的英文 事實用英語怎麼說?
fact n.無可爭辯的真實事情;事實;實際情況;真實性;…這一事實;依據;真相
reality n.現實;實際;事實;實體;存在;真實感;實在性;現實的東西;逼真性;嚴酷(或嚴重)的現實
常用 權威
1. 既成事實
accomplished facts
2. 事實上
in fact; actually;in fact/reality; as a matter of fact; actually
3. 造成既成事實
bring about a fait accompli;make sth an accomplished fact
4. 承認既成事實
accept a fait accompli
5. 閃避事實
blink the fact
6. 基本事實
primary facts
7. 釐清事實
clarify some facts
8. 倘是事實
if it be true
9. 符合事實
correspond to facts
10. 粉飾事實
varnish over facts
11. 合乎事實
tally with the facts
12. 對證事實
verify facts
13. 事實婚姻
de facto marriage
14. 認定事實
establish a fact
15. 大量事實
a host of facts
16. 查明事實
ferret out the facts
17. 抹殺事實
deny facts
18. 成為事實
come true; become reality
19. 偏離事實
deviate from the truth
20. 核對事實
check the facts
1. 事實證明,他們的努力卓有成效。
Their efforts have been proven fruitful.
2. 事實上,農民曾經大量毒害它們。
In fact, farmers used to poison them in large numbers.
3. 事實證明,這一週終究是美好的。
The week turned out to be a good one after all.
4. 事實證明,這比提前叫醒更值得。
That proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call.
5. 事實證明,此舉是有先見之明的。
The move turned out to be foresighted.
6. 他意識到外表並不總是說明事實。
Hyun realized appearance didn't always tell the truth.
7. 我寫的必須是事實,而不是虛構。
What I wrote needed to be fact as opposed to fiction.
8. 事實上,政府參與規劃有點荒謬。
Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning.
9. 事實上,我正在去面試的路上。
Actually, I'm on my way to a job interview.
10. 事實上,寵物能給你帶來很多快樂。
Actually, pets can bring you lots of pleasure.
事實(拼音:shì shí),漢語詞語,是指事情的真實情況,包括事物、事件、事態,即客觀存在的一切物體與現象、社會上發生的不平常的事情和局勢及情況的變異態勢。
名詞 fact; reality
1. 這是事實。
It's the truth.
2. 事實恰恰相反。
Quite the reverse is the case.
3. 事實不是那樣。
That is not the case./ That is not true.
4. 沒有事實依據
have no factual basis
5. 揭開事實真相
get to the root of the facts
6. 千真萬確/觸目驚心的事實
solid/startling facts
7. 既成事實
accomplished facts
8. 渲染事實
colour the facts
9. 歪曲事實
distort/pervert facts
10. 誇大事實
overstate the case; exaggerate
11. 接受/面對事實
accept/face the facts
12. 核對/混淆事實
check/confound facts
13. 承認/講出事實
admit/tell the truth
14. 悖離事實
be wide of the truth; be away from the truth