難的英文 難用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-22


difficult adj.困難的;費勁的;難懂的;艱難的;難對付的;有問題的;難以取悅的;挑剔的

hard adj.堅實的;牢固的;堅硬的;猛烈的;沉重的;難以忍受的;困苦的;可靠的;確鑿無疑的;真實的;有力的;強烈的;含無機鹽的;軟顎爆破音

bad adj.糟糕的;差的;拙劣的;劣質的;令人不快的;惡劣的;不幸的;邪惡的;道德敗壞的;受傷的;生病的;疼痛的;腐爛的;遺憾的;後悔的;難過的;無價值的;偽造的;好的;特棒的

unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的;討厭的;粗魯的;不友好的;不體諒的

put sb on the spot phr.(故意提出難以回答或尷尬的問題)使某人難堪

blame v.認為…應該負責;歸咎於;責怪;把…歸咎於

rebuke v.指責;叱責;訓斥

reprove v.責備;非難

reprimand n.訓斥;斥責

adversity n.困難;不幸

calamity n.災禍;災難;不幸;禍患;痛苦

catastrophe n.大災難;大災禍;結局

disaster n.災難;大禍;不幸;不幸事件;災難片;失敗的人

misfortune n.不幸;晦氣;厄運;災難;災禍;不幸事故

常用 權威



1. 難燃油

fire-resistant oil

2. 難侍候

be hard to please

3. 難伺候

be hard to please;be hard to please

4. 變得越來越難

become increasingly difficult

5. 臨危蹈難

go to one's death fearlessly

6. 被難的漁民

disaster-stricken fishermen

7. 難與為匹

cannot compete with

8. 在家千日好,出外一時難

when at home, you find life easy and comfortable all the time, but when away from home, you may run into difficulties even for a single day


1. 它很與偉大的文明聯絡在一起。

It is hardly associated with great civilizations.

2. 其他一切都很透過實驗來完成。

Everything else is really difficult to do experimentally.

3. 但有時,這說起來容易做起來

But sometimes, that is easier said than done.

4. 舊路燈讓人很在晚上看到星星。

The old streetlights made it hard to see the stars at night.

5. 幾個世紀以來,鹽也很得到。

For centuries, salt was also hard to get.

6. 他解出了這道如此的數學題。

He worked out such a difficult math problem.

7. 這並不是因為新鮮的食材很獲得。

It's not because fresh ingredients are hard to come by.

8. 睡前不要喝咖啡,否則你很入睡。

Don't drink coffee before going to bed, or you won't fall asleep easily.

9. 在海上建壩很,成本也很高。

It is difficult to build a dam in the sea, and the cost is very high.

10. 沒有密碼本是很破解密碼的。

It is very hard to break a code without the code book.


難(nán或nàn或nuó),多音字,古又同“儺”(nuó)。 讀nán時,意思是不容易,做起來費事,如難處;不大可能辦到,使人感到困難,如難為;不好,如難聽。 讀nàn時,意思是災禍、困苦,如難民;仇怨,如排難解紛;詰責,如發難。

難(讀音:nìng),中華姓氏之一,主要源於鮮卑族,出自古鮮卑族吐難氏部族,屬於以部族名稱為氏。 截至2023年,難姓人口不足千人,排在第一千八百七十九位。以河南為郡望。主要分佈在河南省的洛陽市、焦作市武陟縣一帶。



形詞 difficult; hard

1. 做生意一向很難。

Doing business is always tough-going.

2. 萬事開頭難。

All things are difficult at the beginning.

3. 他們的處境很難。

They are in a very difficult position.

4. 求他幫忙簡直比登天還難。

Asking for help from him is like getting blood from stone.

5. 和他交朋友很難。

It's hard to make friends with him.

6. 難就難在這裡。

There's the rub.

7. 對我來說很難

be very difficult for me

8. 變得越來越難

become increasingly difficult

9. 難接近/解決

be difficult of access/solution; be difficult to approach/solve

10. 難對付

be difficult to tackle

11. 難伺候

be hard to please

動詞 corner (sb); put sb in a difficult position; put sb on the spot

1. 你可難住我了。

You've got me there.

形詞 hardly possible

形詞 bad; unpleasant

名詞 adversity; calamity; catastrophe; disaster; misfortune

1. 脫難

get out of trouble

動詞 blame; rebuke; reprove; reprimand; take to task

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