張貼的英文 張貼用英語怎麼說?
placard n.佈告;海報;告示牌;標語牌
put up 張貼;建造;表現出, 顯示出;宿夜, 過夜, 住宿
常用 權威
1. 張貼海報
put up a playbill;put up posters
2. 張貼期
posting period
3. 張貼啟事
put up a notice
4. 張貼通知
put up a notice
5. 張貼房帖
put up a house-to-let notice
6. 張貼通告
put up a notice;post a notice
7. 張貼廣告
put up an advertisement
1. 我在走廊和教室張貼海報。
I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom.
2. 他們在城市的公共廣場上張貼了一份日常事件的清單。
They posted a list of daily happenings at public squares in the cities.
3. 我們在所有酒吧裡都張貼了通知。
We have posted all the bars.
4. 蒙特利爾市區的非法廣告張貼。
Illegal postering in downtown Montreal.
5. 一張手書的通知張貼在售票處。
A handwritten notice was displayed in the booking office.
6. 招聘廣告張貼在公共休息室裡的佈告牌上。
The jobs were advertised in a notice posted in the common room.
7. 對在網上張貼愚蠢資訊的新手的刻薄回覆。
Flames about inexperienced users posting stupid messages.
8. 張貼音樂會海報。
Sticking up posters to advertise concerts.
9. 透過在資料庫裡面張貼匹配職位。
By posting a matching position in a database.
10. 新的列車時刻表已經張貼了出來.
New time schedules have already been posted.
詞目:張貼 拼音:zhāngtiē 基本解釋 在公開場所貼出 把通知張貼布告牌上
動詞 placard; put up; post (a notice, poster, slogan, etc)
1. 禁止張貼。
Post no bills.
2. 張貼期
posting period
3. 張貼通告
post a notice
4. 張貼海報
put up posters
5. 張貼廣告
put up an advertisement
6. 張貼告示
put up an official notice/bulletin