單獨的英文 單獨用英語怎麼說?
independent adj.自主的;獨立的;不依賴權威的;自立的;自力更生的;互不相干的;分離的;個別的;單獨的;公正的
exclusive adj.排除其他一切的;獨有的;獨享的;專有的;排外的;只滿足少數富有顧客需要的;高階的;昂貴的;不含;不包括;除…外
single-handed adv. & adj.獨立無援地;單槍匹馬地;單手使用地;適用單手地
常用 權威
1. 單獨使用
for one's exclusive use
2. 單獨行動
act alone
3. 單獨海損
particular average
4. 單獨住一間屋
have a room to oneself
1. 將個人權利單獨納入一個部分是一項重大創新。
It's a major innovation (創新) to form the individual rights into one part alone.
2. 它既便宜又方便,可以單獨完成,而且很有創意。
It was inexpensive and convenient, it could be done alone and it was also creative.
3. 每週單獨進食兩次以上的男性患糖尿病的風險更大。
Men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing diabetes.
4. 當然,只有非常基本的意思可以單獨用音調來表達。
Of course, only very basic meanings can be communicated using tones alone.
5. 把不滿一定年齡的孩子單獨留在家裡是錯誤的,也是危險的。
It's wrong and dangerous to leave children under a certain age alone in the house.
6. 即使在一個單獨的區域內,條件也總是從一個部分到下一個部分不斷變化。
Even within a single field, conditions are always changing from one section to the next.
7. 她晚上不敢單獨外出,怕有人劫道。
She won’t go out alone at night because she is afraid of being mugged.
8. 平常我喜歡單獨一人,不被人打擾。
As a rule I like to be alone and undisturbed.
9. 每個小櫃都有單獨的鑰匙。
Each locker has its own individual key.
10. 我想單獨跟你談一談。
I’d like a word with you individually.
單獨(英文:independent,拼音:dān dú),漢語詞語,指獨個兒;獨自。還指孤獨無親屬。例句有“這件事不能對大家講,我要找老師單獨談談。” 相關古文有“蒼龍單獨,與石相觸。”出自漢代焦贛《易林·坤之屯》。近義詞有孤立、零丁、孑立。反義詞有共同、總共、成群。
形詞 independent; exclusive; single-handed
1. 我想單獨跟你談一談。
I'd like a word with you individually.
2. 單獨住一間屋
have a room to oneself
3. 單獨穿越南極洲
cross the Antarctic on one's own/single-handed/solo
4. 單獨行動
act alone
5. 單獨使用
for one's exclusive use
6. 單獨核算
independent/separate accounting