景色的英文 景色用英語怎麼說?
view n.視力;視野;視線;看法;意見;想法;觀點;檢視;景色;影象
sight n.視覺;視力;看得到的東西;情景;景象;瞄準器;觀測器;看;看見;風景
landscape n.風景;風光;景色;景象;橫幅的;風景畫;局面;風景畫藝術形式;局勢的特徵
scene n.發生地點;現場;一段情節;景象;場面;情景;景色;發脾氣;當眾吵鬧;活動領域
scenery n.風景;景色;佈景
常用 權威
1. 月球景色
2. 景色奇幻
kaleidoscopic scenes
3. 平凡的景色
commonplace sight
4. 天然景色
natural scenery
5. 景色清麗
tranquil and beautiful scene
6. 迷人的景色
entrancing views
7. 天空景色
8. 校園景色
campus view
9. 自然景色
natural scenery
10. 明媚的景色
charming view
11. 絢麗的景色
magnificent scenery
12. 奇美的景色
breathtakingly beautiful scenery
13. 壯麗的景色
magnificent scenery; majestic view
14. 朦朧的景色
hazy view
15. 荒涼的景色
wild scenery
16. 破壞優美的景色
destroy scenic beauty
17. 寧靜的山區景色
serene mountain landscape
18. 岑寂的鄉村景色
solitary village scenes
19. 眺望周圍的景色
survey the surrounding landscape
20. 呈現出五彩繽紛的景色
present a colourful sight
1. FAST用於觀看銀河系的美麗景色。
FAST is used to watch the beautiful scenery of the Galaxy.
2. 再往遠處看,我就看不到雪山的景色了。
Farther in the distance, I could not enjoy the view of snowy mountains.
3. 窗戶對面掛著一面鏡子,可以欣賞外面的景色。
A mirror is hung opposite a window to take in the outside scenery.
4. 幾天前,我在雲中舒適地飛行,欣賞著天空的景色。
A few days ago, I was flying comfortably in a cloud, enjoying the view from the sky.
5. 我發現自己完全位於霧氣的上方,看見了Skiddaw夢幻而清晰的景色。
I found myself completely above it and looking at a wonderfully clear view of Skiddaw.
6. 尼亞加拉大瀑布的景色雄偉瑰麗。
The view of the Niagara Falls is simply magnificent.
7. 深秋時節,層林盡染,景色宜人。
The deep-dyed serried woods presented a beautiful view in late autumn.
8. 遊人駐足觀賞這綿延起伏的景色。
The tourists paused in admiration of the rolling landscape.
9. 大霧把山水景色籠罩了個嚴實。
A fog shrouded the landscape.
10. 看到眼前的景色我的心都醉了。
I got intoxicated at the sight of the scenery before my eyes.
名詞 view; sight; landscape; scene; scenery
1. 這景色令人賞心悅目。
The scene was a feast for the eyes.
2. 遊人駐足觀賞這綿延起伏的景色。
The tourists paused in admiration of the rolling landscape.
3. 自然景色
natural scenery
4. 景色宜人
attractive/charming/enchanting scenery
5. 景色如畫
picturesque view/scenery
6. 景色悽清
bleak landscape/view
7. 眺望周圍的景色
survey the surrounding landscape
8. 美化景色
enhance/glorify the landscape
9. 觀賞壯麗的景色
see/enjoy a glorious/grand/magnificent scenery
10. 構成一幅富有詩意的景色
make/form a poetical landscape
11. 呈現出五彩繽紛的景色
present a colourful sight