律師的英文 律師用英語怎麼說?
lawyer n.律師;法學家
counsel n.建議;忠告;律師;法律顧問;諮詢;磋商
barrister n.大律師;辯護律師;出庭律師
solicitor n.初級律師;訴狀律師;事務律師;小律師;推銷員;招攬生意的人;遊說者;法務官
attorney n.代理人;律師
常用 權威
1. 女律師
woman lawyer
2. 律師費
counsel fee; lawyer's fee; attorney fee; legal fee
3. 律師袍
attorney's robe
4. 律師界
the bar
5. 律師助理
law clerk
6. 二級律師
second-grade lawyer
7. 律師事務所
law/lawyer's office; law/legal firm
8. 辯方律師
defence lawyer
9. 被告律師
defence attorney
10. 律師樓
law/lawyer's office; law/legal firm
11. 指定律師
nominate one's lawyer;appoint a lawyer
12. 開業律師
practising lawyer;legal practitioner
13. 公司律師
corporation lawyer
14. 實習律師
lawyer in practice
15. 公訴律師
counsel for the prosecution
16. 律師制度
bar system
17. 控方律師
prosecuting counsel
18. 律師協會
bar association
19. 執業律師
certified lawyer
20. 辯護律師
lawyer/counsel for the defence; defence lawyer/counsel
1. 律師考試確實是一次嚴峻的考驗。
The bar exam is truly a stern test.
2. 亞當·貝利是紐約的一名房地產律師。
Adam Bailey is a real estate attorney based in New York.
3. 美國律師事務所的所有權缺陷及其原因。
Flawed ownership of America's law firms and its causes.
4. 類似於律師或老師的東西。
Something along the lines of a lawyer or a teacher.
5. 他得到了律師協會的許可。
He gets the admissions approval from the bar association.
6. 對未來律師的嚴厲考驗。
The stern exam for would-be lawyers.
7. 律師們熱衷於參加會議。
Lawyers were keen to attend conventions.
8. 律師和顧客的強烈抵制。
Lawyers' and clients' strong resistance.
9. 她的媽媽是一名醫生,她的爸爸是一名律師。
Her mom is a doctor and her dad is a lawyer.
10. 改革這一體系將對律師和他們的客戶都有幫助。
Reforming the system would help both lawyers and their customers.
律師(lawyer)不同於古代的訟師、狀師,是指透過國家司法考試並依法取得律師執業證書,接受委託或者指定,為當事人提供法律服務的執業人員。 按照工作性質劃分,律師可分為專職律師與兼職律師,按照業務範圍劃分,律師可分為民事律師、刑事律師和行政律師,按照服務物件和工作身份,分為社會律師、公司律師和公職律師。律師業務主要分為訴訟業務與非訴訟業務。
《律師》(Counsellor at Law)是一部由威廉·惠勒執導,約翰·巴里摩爾、茂文·道格拉斯、貝比·丹尼爾斯等主演,埃爾默·賴斯擔任編劇的劇情電影,於1993年11月7日在美國上映。 該影片改編自埃爾默·賴斯的戲劇,主要講述了猶太律師喬治·西蒙(約翰·巴里摩爾 飾)面對妻子(多麗絲·凱尼恩 飾)的不忠,母親的怪罪而感到孤獨壓抑甚至想自殺,深愛著他的秘書(貝比·丹尼爾斯 飾)將他從這種境況中解救出來的故事。
名詞 lawyer; counsel; barrister; solicitor; attorney
1. 她大學畢業後當了律師。
She entered the bar after university.
2. 陪審團已經聽取了雙方律師的意見。
The jury had heard counsel on both sides.
3. 取得律師資格
be called/admitted to the bar
4. 資深律師
leading/senior lawyer
5. 原告律師
prosecuting/prosecution lawyer
6. 刑事辯護律師
criminal lawyer
7. 女律師
woman lawyer
8. 開業律師
practising lawyer
9. 公訴律師
counsel for the prosecution
10. 公司律師
corporation lawyer
11. 被告律師
defence lawyer; counsel for the defence
12. 律師助理
law clerk
13. 律師制度
bar system
14. 向律師諮詢
consult a lawyer
15. 指定律師
appoint a lawyer
16. 聘請律師
retain/engage a lawyer
17. 僱用律師
employ/hire a lawyer
18. 當/做律師
be a lawyer; practise as a lawyer; practise/follow the law; go to the bar
19. 一名/位律師
a lawyer