胸的英文 胸用英語怎麼說?
thorax n.胸;胸廓;胸部
chest n.胸膛;箱;資金;上身;小箱子;金庫;錢庫;公款
bosom n.胸部;懷;胸前;胸懷;內心;乳房;胸襟;溫暖的關懷和保護
breast n.乳房;胸脯;情感;心窩;胸部;胸膛;胸腔;胸脯肉
mind n.頭腦;智力;思維能力;注意力;心思;思維;意願;記憶力;意向;正常思維
heart n.心臟;中心;最裡面;心形;肥力;心情;勇氣;情緒;熱情;胸部
常用 權威
1. 麻痺胸
paralytic thorax; thorax paralyticus
2. 扁平胸
flat chest
3. 乳糜胸
chylothorax; chylopleura
4. 赤裸著胸
with bared chest
1. 翅膀與胸之間是關節連線的。
The wing is articulated to the thorax.
2. 以手掌貼胸宣誓效忠。
Holding hand on heart for the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. 胸中部灼痛的感覺。
A burning sensation in the middle of the chest.
4. 他們在搖搖欲墜的胸牆上找到了一個掛鉤子的地方。
They found a lodgement for the hook in the crumbling parapet.
5. 記得我小時候是被假胸哺乳大的。
Remember I was breastfed from falsies.
6. 牛的下部胸肉牛胸部的一片薄肉。
A thin cut of beef from the brisket .
7. 那是給對我們撞胸的對手的回敬.
That was to get back at someone who chest bumped at us.
8. 她摸索著自己的左胸,感謝上帝!
It was still there. Thank God!
9. 所有患者不同程度胸腹腔積液。
The abdominal and chest fluid in all of the 16 patients were found.
10. 在這項研究中有胸特大的人嗎?
Was there anybody with large mammary glands in this study?
胸(the bust)(xiōng),身體前面頸下腹上的部分,借指心裡:胸脯。胸膛。胸腔。胸口。胸廓。胸骨。胸椎。胸膜。胸部。胸懷(抱負、氣量)。胸襟(同“胸懷”)。
名詞 thorax; chest; bosom; breast
1. 牆有齊胸高。
The wall is breast-high.
2. 愛意盈胸。
A feeling of love surged in one's breast.
3. 突然感到一陣胸痛
have a stab of pain in the chest
4. 吸氣擴胸
expand chest by inspiration
5. 挺胸抬頭
hold one's chest out and one's head high
6. 捶胸
beat one's breast/chest
名詞 mind; heart