妻子的英文 妻子用英語怎麼說?
wife n.妻子;夫人;太太;婆;特殊職業者的妻子;婦人;愚昧無知的老婆子
常用 權威
1. 背叛妻子
be unfaithful to one's wife
2. 模範妻子
model wife
3. 溫順的妻子
submissive wife
4. 和妻子復婚
remarry one's divorced wife
5. 溫淑的妻子
caring and tender wife
6. 心愛的妻子
beloved wife
7. 怯懦服帖的妻子
meek and compliant wife
8. 可心如意的妻子
ideal wife
9. 靠妻子的收入過活
live on one's wife's earnings
1. 他破產了,他的妻子就離開了他。
He went bankrupt (破產) and his wife went away from him.
2. 他給妻子留下了大量的藝術品。
He left a large collection of art to his wife.
3. 這是他在妻子去世後第一次笑。
It was his first time to smile after his wife passed away.
4. 斯坦聽了妻子的建議,把鬍子剪掉了。
Stan listened to his wife's advice to cut the beard off.
5. 她拜訪了士兵的妻子和母親。
She visited soldiers' wives and mothers.
6. 這個男人的妻子在倫敦工作。
The man's wife works in London.
7. 半夜裡的某個時候,妻子把丈夫叫醒了。
Sometime in the middle of the night, the wife woke her husband up.
8. 他的妻子一個月前去世了。
His wife passed away one month ago.
9. 三天後,幸福的妻子打電話來認領戒指。
Three days later, the happy wife called to claim the ring.
10. 你的妻子必須休息一下。
Your wife must get some rest.
妻子,是一個漢語詞語,意思是指妻; 也指妻和子。
名詞 wife and children
1. 拋妻棄子
forsake/desert/abandon one's wife and children
名詞 wife
1. 她會成為他的好妻子。
She will make him a good wife.
2. 模範妻子
model wife
3. 合法妻子
lawful/legitimate/wedded wife
4. 不忠/忠貞的妻子
unfaithful/faithful wife
5. 遺棄妻子
abandon/desert/leave one's wife
6. 虐待妻子
abuse one's wife; use one's wife very ill
7. 和妻子離婚
divorce/repudiate one's wife
8. 和妻子復婚
remarry one's divorced wife