還的英文 還用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-01


still adj.靜止的;不動的;寂靜的;平靜的;不冒泡的

yet adv.迄今;至此;到那時為止;又;仍然;甚至;然而;儘管如此;現在;此刻

even adv.甚至;即使

also adv.另外;也

too adv.太;過於;過度;另外;也;非常;而且;再者

as well 也, 還

in addition 此外

even more 甚至

still more 更加;越發;依然更

passably adv.尚可地; 也還過得去地

fairly adv.公正地;相當;還;實際上;尚;簡直

as early as 儘早

give back 還給;回饋

return v.回;返回;歸還;把…退回;產生;選出…去任職;選出(政黨)去執政;恢復;回覆;回答

reply v.回答;答覆;回信;覆信;回應;回擊

常用 權威



1. 逼還租債

press for rent-debt payments

2. 借而不還

borrow without returning

3. 現在還買不起

can't afford at the moment

4. 不圖還報

expect no return

5. 交保放還

release on bail

6. 比豺狼還狠

more savage than a wolf

7. 血債要用血來還

debts of blood must be paid in blood; blood will have blood; blood demands blood; blood for blood

8. 逾期未還的書

overdue book

9. 肉包子打狗,有去無還

throw a meat-stuffed bun at a dog—something gone, never to return; kiss one's money good-bye

10. 蛤蟆蹦三蹦,還得歇三歇

even frogs don't hop nonstop


1. 紐約雨夜的計程車比陽光難得。

Taxis on a rainy New York night are rarer than sunshine.

2. 這個季節很短,但它沒有結束。

The season is short, but it has not ended yet.

3. 他們提高了過度用水者的水費。

They also increase water bills for people who use too much.

4. 我為鄰居製造了其他電子裝置。

I also built other electronic devices(儀器) for my neighbors.

5. 它將在2060年前實現碳中和。

It will also achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.

6. 我們應該重新設定對未來的預期。

We should also reset our expectations of the future.

7. 科學家說,海狸有助於減少洪水。

Beavers also help make flooding less, scientists say.

8. 我在每張照片下面寫了一些註釋。

I have also written some notes under each of these photos.

9. 很多咖啡館和餐館晚上營業。

Lots of cafes and restaurants open at night.

10. 我無法想象這輩子能做什麼。

I can't imagine doing anything else with my life.


還,huan、hai,從辵從瞏。復返也;仍舊、依然也。 “還”是一個語義豐富的漢字,多音字,表示回到原處或恢復原狀、回報別人對自己的行動、償付等意。




副詞 still; yet

1. 夜深了,他還在工作。

It was late at night and he was still working.

2. 許多事還有待去做。

Much remains yet to be done.

3. 現在兩點了,他還沒有來。

It's two o'clock now and he hasn't come yet.

4. 他還在這兒。

He is still here.

5. 時間還早。

It's still early.

副詞 even

1. 你還害怕,何況一個小孩呢?

Even you are afraid of that, let alone a little child.

2. 你還不知道,更不用說一個外國人。

If you don't know about it, still less does a foreigner.

副詞 also; too; as well; in addition

1. 工頭強迫他一天干15小時的活,而且還打他。

The foreman worked him fifteen hours a day and beat him in addition.

2. 我們不單學英語,還學日語。

We study Japanese as well as English.

副詞 even more; still more

1. 下一道題可能還要難一些。

The next question will probably be still more difficult.

2. 今年的產量比去年還要高。

This year's output is even better than last year's.

3. 今天比昨天還冷。

It's even colder today than yesterday.

副詞 passably; fairly

1. 教室不大,但還明亮。

The classroom is not big, but it is fairly bright.

2. 他年齡不大,懂得還不少。

Young as he is, he knows quite a lot.

副詞 [used to lay stress or to show sarcasm]

1. 這些還算他們的好蘋果呢。

These are supposed to be their best apples.

2. 這還了得!

This is the limit! / This is simply atrocious!

副詞 [used to express the unexpectedness]

1. 真沒想到校長還會來參加我們的晚會。

We had never expected that our president could come to our party.

2. 他還真有辦法。

He is really resourceful.

副詞 as early as

1. 還在初中時,她就通過了大學英語六級考試。

She passed Band 6 of the College English Test when she was only a junior high school student.

動詞 go/come back

動詞 give back; return; reply

動詞 give/do sth in return

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