贊同的英文 贊同用英語怎麼說?
approve of 批准, 贊成
agree with 同意, 贊同
applaud v.鼓掌表同意;讚揚;表示強烈贊同
endorse v.贊同;支援;認可;在(支票;匯票)背面簽字;背書;在上登記違章記錄;命令黑人離開城區;為…做廣告;批註
consent to 同意;表示同意;同意接受
subscribe to 訂閱;訂購;同意
常用 權威
1. 贊同建議
subscribe to a proposal
2. 贊同論點
endorse sb's contention
1. 作者對Reding的呼籲是贊同的。
The author's attitude toward Reding's appeal is one of approval.
2. 然後,公司也贊同了。
Then, too, the company went along.
3. 如果工會只關注更高額的補償,我會表示贊同。
I'd be sympathetic if the union focused solely on higher compensation.
4. 瞭解他們不贊同我們的原因,並學會與他們交流和合作。
Learning why they disagree with us and learning to talk and work together with them.
5. Anthony Kennedy大法官,首席大法官John Roberts及法院的自由派大法官也贊同這一裁定。
Justice Anthony Kennedy, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court's liberals.
6. 他從來不贊同政治上的極端主義。
He has never associated himself with political extremism.
7. 大家一致贊同這項改革。
We unanimously endorsed the reform.
8. 我贊同你的觀點。
I incline towards your idea. / I agree with you.
9. 大家無不贊同。
We agreed as one. / No one disagreed.
10. 我贊同該結論站不住腳這一觀點。
I incline to the view that this conclusion is untenable.
贊同,讀音zàn tóng,漢語詞語,指的是參與促成,還指贊成、同意。例句有“聽到他的主意後,我怦然心動,立即表示贊同”。 相關古文有“叔業歸順, 元護贊同其謀。”出自《北史·李元護傳》,相關近義詞有附和、答應、苟同,反義詞有反駁、駁斥、異議。
動詞 approve of; agree with; applaud; endorse; consent to; assent to; subscribe to
1. 我贊同你的觀點。
I incline towards your idea. / I agree with you.
2. 他從來不贊同政治上的極端主義。
He has never associated himself with political extremism.
3. 大家一致贊同這項改革。
We unanimously endorsed the reform.
4. 得到/獲得贊同
gain/have sb's consent; win/receive/gain/obtain/earn sb's approval; earn/win/gain sb's approbation
5. 贊同論點
endorse sb's contention
6. 贊同建議
subscribe to a proposal
7. 贊同計劃
approve of a plan; assent to a plan; favour a plan
8. 贊同觀點
subscribe to/endorse sb's views