霧的英文 霧用英語怎麼說?
fog n.霧;再生草;煙霧;塵霧;攪亂形勢的事;灰霧;霧翳;過冬長草;冬牧草
mist n.薄霧;輕霧;靄;水汽;水蒸氣;視線模糊不清;模糊淚眼;迷霧
常用 權威
1. 霧凇霧
rime fog
2. 電子霧
electronic smog
3. 上坡霧
upslope fog
4. 鋒面霧
frontal fog
5. 離子霧
6. 淡淡的霧
thin fog
7. 有色霧翳
coloured fog
1. 中國冬天出現霧
China's haze in winter happens because of more than three causes.
2. 那是一個非常寒冷的冬天的夜晚,空氣中瀰漫著極冷的霧。
It was an extremely cold winter's evening and freezing fog hung in the air.
3. 霓虹燈之於香港,就像紅色電話亭之與倫敦,霧之與舊金山一樣。
Neon (霓虹) is to Hong Kong as red phone booths are to London and fog is to San Francisco.
4. 霧深深地罩住山巔。
The fog hung heavily on the mountains.
5. 群山被籠罩在霧中。
The hills were enshrouded in mist.
6. 船在霧中影影綽綽。
The ship was just a blur in the fog.
7. 一層霧籠罩著山谷。
A veil of fog covered the valley.
8. 霧遮掩了星星。
Fog obscured the stars.
9. 霧漸漸淡薄了。
The mist gradually thinned.
10. 濾光器在攝影中可用來減少霧霾。
Filters can be used in photography to reduce haze.
霧是一種自然天氣現象,指在水氣充足、微風及大氣層穩定的情況下,接近地面的空氣冷卻至某程度時,空氣中的水氣便會凝結成細微的水滴懸浮於空中,使地面水平的能見度下降的現象。 它在春季二至四月間出現較多,其形成的條件包括冷卻和加溼,種類有輻射霧、平流霧、混合霧、蒸發霧等。
名詞 fog; mist
1. 太陽驅散了薄霧。
The sun dispelled the mist.
2. 機場因霧關閉。
The airport was fogged in. / The airport was fog-bound.
3. 當時大霧瀰漫。
Fogs prevailed at the time.
4. 起霧了。
The fog has come down/on.
5. 霧散了。
The fog lifted/dispersed/cleared.
6. 霧變濃了。
The fog thickened.
7. 因霧滯留的乘客
fog-bound passenger
8. 因霧停運的機場/港口
fog-bound airport/harbour
9. 多霧的天氣
foggy weather
10. 濃霧
dense/heavy/thick/swirling fog
11. 塵霧
dust fog
12. 晨霧
morning fog
13. 霧中開車
drive in a fog
14. 一團霧
a cloud/mass of fog
15. 一場大霧
a heavy fog
名詞 fine spray