少的英文 少用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-25


few det., pron., & adj.少量;幾個;沒幾個;幾乎沒有

little adj.小(巧)的;少的;低的;不重要的;小的;年幼的;小…;短的;稍微有一點兒的

scanty adj.少量的;不足的;暴露的;緊(身)的

meagre adj.不足的;質量差的;消瘦的;貧乏的

young adj.年輕的;年紀輕的;年青的;幼小的;初期的

be short of 短缺;缺乏;缺少

lack n.沒有;缺乏

owe v.欠;欠… 東西;應該給予;應把…歸功於;因…而感激

lose v.失去;丟失;輸掉;未贏得(遊戲;競賽);入不敷出;虧損;迷路;專注於;使…失去;(因死亡、斷交)痛失(親屬)

stop v.結束;停止;填塞;處於;表現;停下來;阻擋;總是;中止

cut out 熄火, 停止不前

children 孩子們(CHILD的複數)

常用 權威



1. 經水澀少

scanty menstruation

2. 月經過少

hypomenorrhea; oligomenorrhea; scanty menstruation; spanomenorrhea; scanty menstrual flow


1. 現在年輕人在家做飯比老年人

Young people do less cooking at home than the elderly these days.

2. 人們抱怨公共汽車遲到,車次又

People complained that buses were late and infrequent.

3. 它的陰天比其他任何沿海城市都

It has fewer cloudy days than any other coastal city.

4. 他們表現出較的戒斷症狀。

They show fewer withdrawal symptoms.

5. 它使用的水泥比人造房屋 60%。

It used 60% less cement (水泥) than a man-made house.

6. 你可以在餐館和商店付錢。

With the card, you can pay less at restaurants and shops.

7. 南方的雨水比北方,所以南方更乾燥。

There is less rain in the southern part than in the northern part, so the south is drier.

8. 用小一點的碗,這樣你吃的米飯就了。

Use smaller rice bowls so that you serve less rice.

9. 因為中國人口多,耕地

Because China had a large population but a little farmland.

10. 人們總是做較的工作。

People always do less work.


少(shǎo或shào),多音字。讀shǎo時,表示數量小的,與“多”相對,如多少、少量;或指丟、遺失。 讀shào時,指年紀輕或年輕人,與“老”相對,如少年;或指古代輔佐長官的副職,如少傅、少保;也表示次級的,如少校。



形詞 few; little; scanty; meagre

1. 五月以來,雨愈來愈少了。

Rain has been tapering off since May.

2. 這個地方有藝術天才的人太少了。

Artistic people are in tiny minority in this place.

3. 早飯吃好、午飯吃飽、晚飯吃少。

A good meal for breakfast, a heavy meal for lunch, and a light meal for supper.

4. 我們得到的訊息很少。

The information we have is very sketchy.

5. 少說多幹

work more and talk less

6. 少花錢多辦事

get more done on less money

7. 少吃多餐

have many meals but little food at each

動詞 be short of; lack; be not enough

1. 這本字典少了五頁。

This dictionary is five pages short.

2. 缺醫少藥

be short of doctors and medicine

3. 人手少

be short-handed/short-staffed; be short of hands

4. 少個好門將

need a good goalkeeper

動詞 owe

1. 我還少你三個月的房租。

I still owe you three months'rent.

2. 還少十元。

There are still ten yuan owing.

動詞 be missing; lose

1. 什麼都在,就少了鑰匙。

Everything is here except the keys.

2. 我錢包裡少了五十元。

Fifty yuan is missing from my wallet.

副詞 a short/little while; a moment

1. 請少候。

Wait a moment, please. / Just a minute.

動詞 stop; cut out

1. 課堂上少廢話!

Don't talk rubbish in class!

2. 少跟我談他!

Don't talk about him to me!

形詞 young

1. 他比我年少。

He is my junior.

2. 長得少相

look younger for one's age

名詞 son of a rich family; young master

1. 闊少

son of a rich family

2. 惡少

young ruffian

名詞 children

1. 少兒不宜

not fit for children; be unsuitable for children

2. 少兒讀物

children's book

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