哪裡的英文 哪裡用英語怎麼說?
where interrogative adv.在哪裡;到哪裡;從哪裡;往哪裡;在哪一方面;處於何種情況;到何種情況
wherever relative adv.無論在哪裡;無論到哪裡;無論哪裡;在任何地方
anywhere adv.在任何地方;任何地方;在某一限定範圍之內的任何一個數量
everywhere adv.在所有地方;到處;隨處;各處;在許多地方
常用 權威
1. 它們是否有禮貌取決於你在哪裡。
Whether they're good manners or not depends on where you are.
2. 他們發現很難計算出他們在哪裡。
They found it difficult to figure out where they were.
3. 老太太想知道車站候車室在哪裡。
The old lady wanted to know where the stations waiting room was.
4. 花點時間去看看你在哪裡上課。
Take some time to check out the buildings where your classes will be held.
5. 沒有人知道他們究竟來自哪裡。
No one knew exactly where they came from.
6. 它表明了你是誰,你來自哪裡。
It shows who you are and where you're from.
7. 從哪裡獲得資金來重建他們的村莊。
Where get the funds for rebuilding their village.
8. 即使你贏了,結果也不會好到哪裡去。
Even when you win, you end up no better off.
9. 一個人住在哪裡也很重要。
Where a person lives matters too.
10. 無論她的朋友在哪裡,她都能找到他們。
She could locate her friends wherever they were.
哪裡 拼音:[nǎ lǐ] 疑問詞;一般指地方、位置,否定詞;有自己的見解要表達。
代詞 where
1. 你剛才去哪裡了?
Where have you been?
代詞 wherever; anywhere; everywhere; where
1. 哪裡有水,哪裡就可能有生命。
Where there is water, there is probably life.
2. 哪裡需要我,我就去哪裡。
I will go wherever I am needed.
3. 哪裡都有我們的朋友。
Our friends are everywhere.
代詞 [used in rhetorical questions to express negation]
1. 他又瘦又小,哪裡是你的對手。
Short and thin, he is no match for you.
2. 他哪裡像個學生?
He is in no way like a student!
3. 沒有改革開放,中國哪裡會有今天。
Without reform and opening up to the outside world, China wouldn't have become what it is today.
代詞 [used as a polite response to a compliment]
1. “你的舞跳得真好!” “哪裡哪裡。”
‘You're an excellent dancer.' ‘I'm flattered.'/‘You're flattering me.'