飯的英文 飯用英語怎麼說?
meal n.一餐;一頓;粗磨粉;燕麥粉;磨粉;膳食;飯菜;燕麥片;玉米粉
常用 權威
1. 炒米飯
fried rice
2. 豆腐飯
vegetarian dinner for friends and relatives attending a funeral
3. 後晌飯
4. 飯鏟子
5. 啖飯
eat; have a meal
6. 預備飯
prepare a meal
7. 青春飯
profession for the young/young people
8. 飯缽
big rice bowl
9. 預訂一桌飯
book a table
10. 吃頓安生飯
enjoy a leisurely meal
11. 抓工夫吃點飯
snatch a hasty meal
12. 吃些個飯
have some meal
13. 飯吃晚了
be late with a meal
14. 胡亂吃了點飯
eat a hasty meal
1. 每次把碗裡的飯推到桌邊,就會掉在地上。
Each time the bowl of rice is pushed over the table edge, it falls in the ground.
2. 這是一碗雞蛋豬肉飯。
This is a bowl of rice with egg and pork pieces.
3. 星期天,我們午餐吃一頓豐盛的家庭自制西班牙海鮮飯。
On Sundays, we have a big home-cooked paella for lunch.
4. 第四段下劃線的單詞\西班牙海鮮飯\可能指的是一道菜。
The underlined word \paella\ in Paragraph 4 probably refers to a dish.
5. 那天晚上唐吃了一頓特別的飯——我不想讓他認為我生他的氣。
Don was given a special meal that night—I didn't want him thinking I was angry with him.
6. 現在,作為一名青少年廚師,我也在全國各地的頂級餐廳做過飯。
Now as a teen chef (主廚), I have also cooked in top-class restaurants around the country.
7. 她的病已經好了,飯也吃得下了。
Now that she’s recovered, she has an appetite again.
8. 天天吃同樣的飯,我真吃夠了。
I’m tired of having the same kind of food every day. / I’ve had my fill of having the same kind of food every day.
9. 她把飯撥弄著玩,好像並不餓。
She was just toying with her food, as if she wasn’t really hungry.
10. 給我留些飯,我馬上就回來。
Keep some food for me. I’ll be right back.
名詞 cooked cereals
名詞 cooked rice
名詞 meal