隨和的英文 隨和用英語怎麼說?
affable adj.友好的;性情溫和的;和藹可親的
agreeable adj.令人愉快的;愜意的;樂意的;欣然同意的;可接受的
amiable adj.和藹可親的;友善的
easy-going adj.隨和的;心平氣和的;不慌不忙的;放鬆的;寬容的
常用 權威
1. 性情隨和
have an easy-going nature
2. 隨和的性格
easy-going disposition
1. 性格隨和的人也能活得比較長。
Easy-going people can also live a relatively long life.
2. 雖然中等的孩子可能會被忽視,但他們更有可能成長為隨和的成年人。
Though they may be ignored, middle children are more likely to grow into easygoing adults.
3. 他很隨和,因此交友很容易。
He has a pleasant disposition, and finds it easy to make friends.
4. 她的父母似乎很隨和。
Her parents seemed very easy-going.
5. 她變得隨和了一些,並露出了笑容。
She thawed out sufficiently to allow a smile to appear.
6. 人所共知,場下他是個脾氣隨和的人。
Off the pitch he has a reputation as an easy-going character.
7. 他用更多親切隨和的表白來抵消自己的激進言論。
He balanced his radical remarks with more familiar declarations.
8. 也許他那副模樣很嚇人,但人家已確告我們他實際上是個很隨和的人。
He may look scary, but people assure us he's really a pussycat.
9. 她是個令人愉快而又隨和的夥伴。
She was a pleasant and undemanding companion.
10. 我要是有這麼隨和的父母多好哇!
I wish I had such easy-going parents!
隨和(suí hé),釋義為和順,不固執己見。隨和的反義詞是嚴肅。“隨侯珠”與“和氏璧”是歷史上有名的“春秋二寶”,又稱\隨珠和璧\,喻作珍寶或珍寶中的極品,簡稱\隨和\。
形詞 affable; agreeable; amiable; easy-going
1. 他很隨和,因此交友很容易。
He has a pleasant disposition, and finds it easy to make friends.
2. 她的父母似乎很隨和。
Her parents seemed very easy-going.
3. 性情隨和
have an amiable/easy disposition