福的英文 福用英語怎麼說?
good fortune 好運;時運好;好運氣
happiness n.幸福;高興
blessing n.上帝的祝福;上帝的保佑;天恩;幸事;支援;批准;恩惠;認可;祈恩禱告;喜事
good luck 好運;祝好運;加油
fu abbr.熔斷
curtsey n.屈膝禮
常用 權威
1. 無量壽福
boundless longevity and happiness
2. 託您的福
thanks to you
3. 兒孫自有兒孫福,莫為兒孫作馬牛
in time, the children will do OK in life, so the parents don't have to slave for their future well-being
1. 餐廳女服務員薩沙·福米卡(Sasha Formica)在Facebook上釋出了一張戒指的照片。
The restaurant waitress Sasha Formica posted a picture of the ring on Facebook.
2. 如果說我有所進步,那全是託您的福了。
If I have improved in any way, I owe it all to your help.
3. 託您的福,一切順利。
Things are fine, thank you.
4. 不經患難不知福。
Misfortunes tell us what fortune means.
5. 那是上天賜予他的福。
It is a blessing vouchsafed him by heaven.
6. 大智是福亦是禍。
Great intelligence can be a curse as well as a blessing.
7. 福勒姆大道。
Fulham Broadway.
8. 世上萬人眾尋福,然而何為福呢?
Million people search the world-fu, but what blessing?
9. 為什麼馬爾福一家那麼不高興呢?
Why do the Malfoys look so unhappy with their lot?
10. 福勒斯特(簡稱“福”):你好!
Forrest (F for short): Hello! My name's Forrest.
福是一個漢字,讀音為fú,英語表示為happiness、good fortune、blessing,左右結構,用來表示福氣、福運。相關片語有福地、福分、福晉、福利等。 福字最早見於甲骨文,在甲骨文裡的意思是會意雙手捧著一樽酒在祖先的神主前祭獻,求得神主保佑。 相關典故有“禍兮福所倚,福兮禍所伏”。反義詞為禍。
名詞 good fortune; happiness; blessing
1. 能吃是福。
A good appetite is a blessing.
2. 福被後世。
The good fortune will smile upon the generations to come.
名詞 good luck
1. 無福消受
not have the luck to enjoy; be unable to enjoy
2. 託您的福
thanks to you
動詞 (of a woman) make a curtsey (to); curtsey
1. 福了一福
make/drop/bob a curtsey; curtsey
名詞 Fu [another name for Fujian(福建)Province]