殘疾的英文 殘疾用英語怎麼說?
deformity n.畸形部位;畸形狀態
常用 權威
1. 殘疾人
disabled person; person with handicaps/disabilities; physically challenged person;people with disabilities; the handicapped/disabled; physically challenged people
2. 殘疾證
certificate of disability
3. 殘疾車
special motorcycle for the disabled
4. 殘疾兒童
handicapped child
5. 救助殘疾人
help the handicapped
6. 殘疾人奧運會
Paralympics; Paralympic Games
7. 殘疾撫卹金
disability pension/benefit
8. 殘疾人聯合會
Federation of the Handicapped
9. 下肢殘疾
lower limb disability
10. 殘疾軍人
disabled armyman/serviceman/soldier
11. 中國殘疾人聯合會
China Disabled Persons'Federation
12. 接收殘疾學生
accept handicapped students
13. 二等殘疾軍人
disabled soldier
1. 每個小組都有為殘疾人籌款的任務。
Each group had a task to raise money for the disabled.
2. 這個公園對殘疾人完全開放。
The park is totally accessible (可到達的) to people with disabilities.
3. 它將左撇子兒童視為殘疾。
It has treated left-handed children as being disabled.
4. 影片主題是關於智力殘疾青年及其父母。
Video themes are about intellectually (智力) disabled youth and their parents.
5. 他從少年時代起就殘疾了。
He has been disabled since boyhood.
6. 她的工作是照顧殘疾兒童。
She works with children with disabilities.
7. 儘管霍金是個殘疾人,但他仍取得了巨大的成就。
Although Hawking was a disabled man, he made great achievements.
8. 他減少了藥物治療,不再幫助支援他殘疾的母親。
He's cut back on medications and he no longer helps support his disabled mother.
9. 這是一個幫助殘疾兒童做運動和結交新朋友的專案。
It is a program that helps disabled kids do sports and make new friends.
10. 看到音樂療法是如何幫助殘疾兒童的,真是太好了。
It's wonderful to see how music therapy can help children with disabilities.
名詞 deformity; physical disability
1. 她因殘疾而行走困難。
She has a deformity that makes walking difficult. / Her handicap makes her walking laborious.
2. 殘疾兒童
handicapped child
3. 殘疾補貼
disability subsidies/grants
4. 腿上落下了殘疾
have a disability in the leg
5. 矯治殘疾
correct/cure deformities