批評的英文 批評用英語怎麼說?
criticize v.批評;批判;指責;評論;評價
criticism n.批評;批判;指責;評論;評價;考證
常用 權威
1. 批評與自我批評
criticism and self-criticism
2. 批評家
3. 公開批評
open criticism;criticize openly
4. 批評適度
be temperate in one's criticism
5. 文學批評
literary criticism
6. 批評不得
not stand any criticism
7. 批評教育
criticism and education
8. 學術批評
academic criticism
9. 背後批評
criticize sb behind his back
10. 接受批評
accept criticisms
11. 自我批評
12. 挨批評
be criticized
13. 犀利的批評
incisive criticism
14. 含蓄的批評
implicit criticism
15. 禁不住批評
cannot stand criticism
16. 文藝批評
literary criticism;literary and art criticism
17. 黨內批評
inner-Party criticism
18. 批評標準
criteria of criticism
19. 遭到批評
encounter criticism from
20. 容忍批評
be tolerant of criticisms
1. 他們經常批評他們的科學家同事。
They often criticized their fellow scientists.
2. 批評和質疑這個機制是公平的。
It is fair to criticize and question the mechanism.
3. 有些是政治性的,批評教會和政府。
Some were political in nature, criticizing the church and government.
4. 數字服務稅容易引起國內外的批評。
The digital services tax is apt to arouse criticism at home and abroad.
5. 銀行家的豐厚薪酬招致了很多批評。
Bankers' fat pay packets have attracted much criticism.
6. \我想我應該批評美國學校,\他說。
\I suppose I should criticize (批評) American schools, \ he said.
7. 由於批評,修改其保護計劃。
Revise its conservation plan owing to criticisms.
8. 受到網上買家的廣泛批評。
Be widely criticized by online purchasers.
9. 他經常被老闆挑出來批評。
He is often singled out for criticism by his boss.
10. 如今家庭作業正遭受到越來越多的批評。
Nowadays homework is receiving more criticism.
批評(英文:criticize),讀音pī píng,漢語詞語,指的是評論、評判;也指對書籍、文章加以批點評註。例句有“他因渾俗如光的沉默而受到人們的批評”。 相關古文有“前與楊太史書亦有批評,倘一一寄去,乃足見兄與彼相處之厚也。”出自明代李贄《寄答留都書》,相關近義詞有挑剔、指摘、攻訐,反義詞有勉勵、褒揚、稱頌。
動詞 criticize
1. 她因對顧客無禮而受到經理的批評。
The manager criticized her for her rudeness to customers.
2. 老師批評學生遲到。
The teacher reproved his pupils for coming late to school.
3. 歡迎批評指正。
All criticism will be appreciated/welcomed.
4. 公開批評
criticize openly
5. 點名批評
criticize sb/sth by name
名詞 criticism
1. 沉默有時是最嚴厲的批評。
Silence is sometimes the severest criticism.
2. 公正/溫和的批評
just/mild criticism
3. 藝術批評
art/artistic criticism
4. 文藝批評
literary criticism
5. 黨內批評
inner-Party criticism
6. 批評與自我批評
criticism and self-criticism
7. 批評教育
criticism and education
8. 批評標準
criteria of criticism
9. 遭到批評
encounter criticism from
10. 引起批評
arouse criticism; elicit/provoke criticism
11. 提出批評
put forward/offer criticism
12. 受到批評
be criticized; be under fire; receive criticism
13. 進行批評
level criticism at/against sb or sth
14. 接受批評
accept/take a criticism