借的英文 借用英語怎麼說?
borrow v.借;借入;借用
lend v.把…借給;借出;給予;增加;使自己適應…;貸;適合
loan n.借貸;貸款;所借之物;小徑;借出;擠牛奶場
make use of 利用, 使用;受益於
常用 權威
1. 借一筆錢
borrow a sum of money
2. 借一本過刊
borrow a back issue
1. 它是借由超自然力量形成的。
It was created by supernatural powers.
2. 你總是不得不借
You always have to borrow or rent a car or ask for a ride.
3. 我可以幫你向他借。
I can borrow it from him for you.
4. 你可以借DVD上的電影,光碟上的音樂和流行雜誌。
You can borrow movies on DVDs, music on CDs, and popular magazines.
5. 他借了我的錢,但現在不認賬了。
He borrowed money from me but denies it now.
6. 你用完剪刀的話,我想借一下。
I’ll borrow the scissors if you’re finished with them.
7. 借圖書館的書要按期如數歸還。
All books borrowed from the library are expected to be returned on time.
8. 月亮是借反射陽光而發光的。
The moon shines with reflected light.
9. 你可以借我的腳踏車,條件是用完馬上歸還。
You may borrow my bicycle on condition that you return it as soon as you finish with it.
10. 借了錢,留個字。
You should write an IOU when you borrow money.
《借》是毛不易的一首國語流行歌曲,由毛不易作詞、作曲,趙兆、宋濤編曲,發行自哇唧唧哇,收錄在毛不易2018年7月3日個人創作作品輯《平凡的一天》中。 毛不易認為這個世界上,還有很多不被認可的夢想,不被祝福的感情,不被眷顧的孩子,他們不曾犯錯,卻只能顫顫巍巍,單薄地行走在路上,《借》這首歌送給他們,借天地萬物,不求終將到達某處,只求路上少些阻礙,讓他們通往平凡。
動詞 borrow
1. 有借有還,再借不難。
Return whatever you borrow so that you can borrow without difficulty next time.
2. 英語從法語借入了很多詞彙。
English has borrowed heavily from French.
3. 我可以借一下你的腳踏車嗎?
Can I borrow your bicycle?
4. 向朋友借錢
borrow money from a friend
5. 借而不還
borrow without returning
動詞 lend; loan
1. 他從不借錢給別人。
He never lends money.
2. 你要的書已借出。
The book you wanted is out.
動詞 make use of; take advantage of (an opportunity, etc)
1. 月亮是借反射陽光而發光的。
The moon shines with reflected light.
2. 藉著月光走回家
walk home by moonlight
3. 藉此機會
take the opportunity/occasion (to); avail oneself of the opportunity (to)
動詞 make a pretext of