過來的英文 過來用英語怎麼說?
come here 來這兒;來這裡;過來
常用 權威
1. 醒過來
wake (up)
2. 清醒過來
regain consciousness; come to
3. 把錯字改過來
put the wrong words right
4. 突然甦醒過來
come suddenly to life
5. 把唱片翻過來
turn a phonograph record
6. 從遐想中清醒過來
wake up from one's daydreams
7. 把杯子倒過來
turn one's glass down
8. 從錯誤中醒悟過來
realize one's mistake
9. 從疲倦中恢復過來
recover from fatigue
1. 託比過來幫我站起來:安全,夥計。
Toby came over, helping me up: Safe, man.
2. 如果你不小心,它會過來咬你。
If you are not careful, it'll come around and bite you.
3. 訓練有素的狗像箭一樣衝過來。
The well-trained dog rushed like an arrow.
4. 給湯姆打電話,設法讓他們今晚過來。
Get on the phone to Tom, and try to get their stand-ins over tonight.
5. 不久,一位農夫帶著他的牛走了過來。
Soon a farmer came along with his cow.
6. 突然,一個小男孩走了過來。
Suddenly, a young boy came around.
7. 過來幫我打包剩下的食物。
Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food.
8. 你根本不在乎準時過來。
You don't care enough to come on time.
9. 你可以過來和我們談談。
You could come over and have a talk with us.
10. 這些鍛鍊反過來對大腦發育有積極的影響。
These exercises in turn positively influence brain development.
動詞 come over/up; come here
1. 我過來要我的腳踏車。
I come for my bike.
2. 過來幫幫我。
Come over and help me.
動詞 [used after a verb, indicate the sufficiency of time, quantity, etc]
1. 要照管三個小孩,那位年輕的媽媽真有點兒忙不過來。
With three small children to take care of, the young mother was running round in circles.
2. 你一個人能應付過來嗎?
Can you manage on your own?
動詞 [used after a verb, to indicate motion towards the speaker]
1. 街道堵塞了,我們只好從一條衚衕裡繞過來。
The street was blocked, so we had to come round by a narrow lane.
2. 請把鹽遞過來。
Please pass me the salt.
動詞 [used after a verb, to indicate turning in the direction of the speaker or an action of turning sth]
1. 她驀地轉過來面對著我。
She swung round and faced me.
2. 把臉轉過來!
Turn your face this way!
3. 把牌一張一張翻過來
turn over the cards one after another
4. 把唱片翻過來
turn a phonograph record
5. 把杯子倒過來
turn one's glass down
動詞 [used after a verb, to indicate a return to the original/normal state]
1. 休假後我覺得完全恢復過來了。
I feel quite restored after my holiday.
2. 他酒醒過來後說了些什麼?
What did he say when he sobered up?
3. 花在水裡又活過來了。
The flower came to life in water.
4. 醒過來
wake (up)
5. 清醒過來
regain consciousness; come to