跑的英文 跑用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-23


run v.跑;奔;奔忙;透過;傳遞;迅速傳播;傳開;流動;行駛;管理;經營;負責;開動;操作;運轉;繼續;持續;具有法律效力;起作用;競選;當候選人;出版;刊登;被出版;被刊登;偷運;走私;花費

run away 突然離開, 逃離, 逃避, 避免正視

escape v.逃跑;逃脫;沒被…注意;被…遺忘;逃避;躲避;逸出;倖免;僥倖躲過;漏出

flee v.逃走;逃掉;逃離

get away 外出度假;走開, 離開;逃脫

abscond v.潛逃;過時不歸;逃跑;集體棄巢

walk v.走;步行;使行走;使…行走似的移動;散步;行走;漫步;處事;沿(某線路)步行

go to 去

run errands 跑腿;打雜跑腿

make the rounds 串門拜訪;四處走動

leak v.漏;滲漏;漏出;滲入;洩露;有意透露

give off 發出, 散發出, 放射出

away adv.向遠處;離開;到適當的地方;不斷地;持續地;在(特定距離)處;之後;傾斜地;向下地;偏向一邊

off adv.離開;在某地以外;掉;開;出發;結束;停止;關閉;斷開;獲得;擁有;一次的產量

常用 權威



1. 跑回來

run back

2. 奔南跑

run southward

3. 跑一趟

make a trip

4. 馬拉松賽跑

Marathon (race);marathon; marathon race

5. 跑下樓

run downstairs

6. 跑材料

run about collecting materials

7. 使勁跑

run at a furious pace

8. 向前跑

run forward

9. 跑第二

run second

10. 跑交通

do liaison work

11. 跑靶

miss the target

12. 跑快些

run a little bit faster

13. 跑外勤

do fieldwork

14. 萬米跑

ten-thousand-metre race

15. 跑上坡

run up hill

16. 跑進屋

run into a house

17. 墊步跑

run by skipping

18. 往返跑測試

shuttle run test; yo-yo test

19. 行為跑偏

behave abnormally

20. 跑百米賽跑

run the 100-metre dash


1. 他過去是一名得很慢的跑步者。

He used to be a slow runner.

2. 像平常的馬拉松一樣2公里。

2km like a usual marathon.

3. 如果你覺得不安全,就著喊。

Run and shout if you feel unsafe.

4. 在一瞬間,他轉過身回了家。

In a second, he turned around and ran back family.

5. 我試圖慢一點,這樣他能跟上我。

I tried to run slowly so that she could follow me.

6. 發令槍響了,埃迪很快就了。

The starter's gun went off and Eddie got away quickly.

7. 我回家,拿出一個筆記本開始寫。

I ran home, took out a notebook and started to write.

8. 參加馬拉松賽是個好主意。

It's a good idea to run in the marathon.

9. 他過房間,給了他一個大大的擁抱。

He ran across the room and gave him a big hug.

10. 一聽到這話,莉莉就沒命地了出去。

On hearing this, Lily ran out as fast as her legs could carry her.


跑(pǎo或pao),足下生風的意思。常常用做貶義詞,比如逃跑,打不過跑了等等;有時也用做褒義詞,意為有活力,有朝氣的含義,比如奔跑,跟黨往前大步跑等等。為某種事物或利益而奔走 [run about doing sth.]。如:跑海(到處奔走);跑山(來往于山中做買賣);跑合(舊時指說合生意)。在古代,為常用語。

歌名:跑 作詞:蘇澤 作曲:蘇澤 演唱:蘇澤



動詞 (of animals) paw (the ground)

1. 虎跑泉

Tiger-dug Spring (in Hangzhou)

2. 跑地

paw the ground; paw at the ground

動詞 run

1. 跑第二

run second

2. 跑百米

run (or take part in) the 100-metre dash

3. 慢跑


4. 跑上前去迎接

hasten forward to meet sb

5. 跑得上氣不接下氣

be out of breath with running

6. 跑完全程

finish the whole distance

7. 跑500米

run five hundred metres

8. 跑三圈兒

run three laps around the track

9. 跑上坡

run up hill

10. 跑下樓

run downstairs

11. 跑進屋

run into a house

12. 跑得快

run fast

13. 跑得筋疲力盡

run oneself out

動詞 run away; escape; flee; get away; abscond

1. 他趁著夜色跑了。

He fled by night.

2. 別讓兔子跑了。

Don't let the rabbit run away.

動詞 walk; go to

1. 我最近到大阪跑了一趟。

I went on a trip to Osaka recently.

2. 我跑了幾條街道才找到這個商店。

I walked about several blocks before I found that shop.

3. 他整天往外跑,一點兒都不顧家。

He is out all day and cares little about home.

4. 打個電話吧,省得你跑一趟。

Use the telephone and spare yourself a visit.

5. 一天跑了幾個地方

have been to several places within one day

6. 跑遍全國

travel all over the country

動詞 run/rush/go about doing sth; run errands; make the rounds

1. 他現在給一家小報跑新聞。

He is going around snooping for stories for a tabloid.

2. 跑材料

run about collecting materials

動詞 leak; escape

1. 輪胎跑氣了。

Air is escaping from the tyre. / The tyre is flat.

2. 信紙叫風颳跑了。

The sheets of writing paper were blown off by the wind.

3. 跑電/氣/油

electricity/gas/oil leakage

4. 嚇跑

scare/frighten away

5. 跑了風聲

leak out a secret

動詞 (of liquids) evaporate; give off

1. 瓶子沒蓋嚴,汽油都跑了。

The bottle was not tightly sealed, and the gasoline evaporated.

動詞 [as complement to a verb] away; off

1. 桌上的紙給吹跑了。

The paper blew off the table.

2. 槍聲把鳥兒嚇跑了。

The shot scared away the birds.

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