很可能的英文 很可能用英語怎麼說?
very likely 非常可能;極可能;十分可能
常用 重點詞彙
1. 《板球》很可能是一本兒童雜誌。
Cricket is a magazine most probably for children.
2. 他們很可能受到社會信仰的影響。
They are likely to be influenced by social beliefs.
3. 他的努力很可能救了那個女人的命。
His efforts most likely saved the woman's life.
4. 很可能會造成其他地方的交通堵塞。
It is likely to create traffic jams in other places.
5. 這些說明很可能來自農場主。
The instructions are most probably from a farm owner.
6. 很可能是家庭作業幫了忙。
It is quite possible that the homework helped.
7. 很可能你真正想學的知識反而在其他地方。
It may well be that the learning you really want lies somewhere else instead.
8. 汽車行業很可能是最早依賴5G的行業之一。
The automotive sector will most likely be one of the first industries to depend on 5G.
9. 如果這些汽車流行起來,很可能會出現交通堵塞。
If the cars become popular, there is likely to beair traffic jam.
10. 現在,你的頭像很可能比一二十年前更常被看到。
Chances are, your headshots are seen much more often now than a decade or two ago.
very likely