條件的英文 條件用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-09



condition n.情況;狀態;狀況;環境;條件;前提;病;疾病;身份

factor n.因素;要素;係數;測量水平;凝血因子;代理人;中間商;因數;基因

requirement n.要求;必要條件;必需品

prerequisite n.先決條件;前提;必備條件

qualification n.資格證明;合格證書;資格取得;資格具備;限制;限定;限定條件;限定事項;資格;條件

term n.專門名詞;名稱;術語;期;期限;任期;學期;開庭期;條件;條款;項

conditions n.條件;情況;狀態;(condition的複數)

situation n.處境;情況;情景;狀態;形勢;位置;地點;職位;工作

circumstances n.條件;環境;狀況;境況;境遇;經濟狀況;命運;客觀環境;典禮;(circumstance的複數)

常用 權威



1. 條件性


2. 條件句

conditional sentence

3. 創造條件

create conditions

4. 停火條件

ceasefire terms

5. 僱用條件

conditions of employment

6. 條件適宜

suitable conditions

7. 住房條件

housing conditions

8. 條件反應

conditioned response (CP)

9. 到岸條件

arrival terms

10. 有條件背書

conditional endorsement

11. 優惠條件

favourable terms;favourable condition; easy terms; soft terms; preferential terms

12. 聘用條件

conditions for employment

13. 付款條件

terms of payment

14. 條件方程

conditional equation

15. 勞動條件

work conditions

16. 無條件背書

unconditional/unqualified endorsement

17. 無條件交貨

free/unconditional delivery

18. 無條件撤軍

unconditional withdrawal of the troops;unconditional withdrawal (of troops)

19. 註冊條件

registration requirement;registration requirements

20. 堅持條件

insist on the terms


1. 就業不再是獲得保險的先決條件

Employment is no longer a precondition to get insurance.

2. 在空氣極度乾燥或潮溼的條件下。

Under the conditions where the air can be extremely dry or moist.

3. 我們應該創造條件來猜測它的意思。

We should create situations to guess its meaning.

4. 這是任何精神活動的先決條件

It is a prerequisite for any mental activity.

5. 改善公共衛生條件可以解決這些問題。

They can be addressed by improved sanitation.

6. 失業救濟金不應該附加條件

Unemployment benefits should not be made conditional.

7. 至少可以說,小屋的生活條件很原始。

And the living conditions in the hut were primitive, to say the least.

8. 社會主義新農村改善了農民的生活條件

The socialist new countryside (社會主義新農村) makes farmers improve their living conditions.

9. 他們享有更好的生活條件

They enjoy better living conditions.

10. 極端天氣條件可能會出現。

Extreme weather conditions may arise.



條件(tiáo jiàn),漢語詞語,意思指為某事而提出的要求或標準。或指影響事物發生、存在或發展的因素。例句為“國家投入大量資金,改善農村中小學的辦學條件。” 近義詞為條款、前提、條目,反義詞為待遇,相關古文有“州郡因循,失於請讞,緻密綱久施,得罪者眾。遂條件申臺省,仍以情量事科處,自非極刑,一皆決放。”出自《北史·郎基傳》。





名詞 condition; factor

1. 如果條件允許,我週末出發。

If conditions permit/allow, I'll set out this weekend.

2. 利用有利條件

make use of the favourable factors; take advantage of the favourable conditions

3. 氣候/自然條件

weather/natural conditions

4. 創造條件

create conditions

名詞 requirement; prerequisite; qualification; condition; term

1. 做這項工作需要具備什麼條件?

What qualifications do you need for the job?

2. 有相關領域的工作經驗是從事這項工作的必要條件。

Work experience in a related field is a requirement/requisite/prerequisite for the job.

3. 她同意幫忙,但提出幾個條件。

She agreed to help, but with a few stipulations/provisos.

4. 他們的條件難以照辦。

Their conditions are not easily complied.

5. 他的條件太高,我無法答應。

His terms are so hard that I find it impossible to satisfy him.

6. 食物和空氣是生命的必備條件。

Food and air are requisites for life.

7. 你可以借我的腳踏車,條件是用完馬上歸還。

You may borrow my bicycle on condition that you return it as soon as you finish with it.

8. 和約對戰敗國提出的條件非常苛刻。

The terms of the peace treaty were very hard for the defeated nation.

9. 對她這種情況,我們可以不考慮限定條件。

We can waive the qualifications in her case.

10. 在同等的條件下

under equal/identical conditions

11. 在對等的條件下

on a reciprocal basis; on condition of reciprocity

12. 註冊條件

registration requirement

13. 優惠條件

favourable terms

14. 學歷條件

educational qualifications

15. 信貸條件

credit terms

16. 先決條件

prerequisite; precondition; qualification; preliminary condition

17. 投降條件

terms of surrender

18. 停火條件

ceasefire terms

19. 入學條件

admission/entrance requirements

20. 貿易條件

terms of trade

21. 基本條件

essential condition

22. 工作/居住條件

working/living conditions

23. 遵守付款條件

comply with the terms of payment

24. 增加附帶條件

add a proviso

25. 提供有/無條件的援助

provide conditional/unconditional aid

26. 提出條件

propose a condition; put forward the requirements; list the prerequisites

27. 受條件限制

be hedged with qualifications

28. 迫使接受條件

impose conditions (on sb for sth); bring sb to terms

29. 滿足條件

meet/satisfy the conditions/requirements

30. 履行規定的條件

fulfil the conditions laid down

31. 拒絕條件

reject sb's conditions/terms

32. 接受條件

accept the conditions/terms

33. 講條件

negotiate the terms

34. 堅持條件

insist on the terms

35. 規定條件

lay down/set/state/stipulate conditions; set/state/stipulate terms; set/establish requirements

36. 符合條件

satisfy/meet the conditions; answer/meet/satisfy the requirements

37. 一個/項條件

a requirement/prerequisite/condition

名詞 conditions; situation; circumstances

1. 這個工廠的條件很好,既有訓練有素的工人,又有先進的裝置。

This factory has very good conditions, with well-trained workers and advanced equipment.

2. 她生活條件不好。

She lived in difficult/trying circumstances.

3. 他的身體條件很好。

He is in good physical condition.

4. 人的願望和行動受到他的身體和經濟條件的制約。

Man's desires and actions are conditioned by his physical constitution and economical circumstances.

5. 衛生/住房條件

sanitary/housing conditions

6. 經濟條件

economic conditions; financial circumstances

7. 工作/生活條件

working/living conditions

8. 條件落後

backward conditions

9. 改善條件

improve/better the conditions
