贈送的英文 贈送用英語怎麼說?
compliment n.恭維;讚美;稱讚;讚揚;敬意;祝賀;問候;尊重;致意
常用 權威
1. 贈送樣品
give away free samples
2. 贈送禮物
deliver presents; present gifts
3. 贈送禮品
present a gift;present a gift
4. 贈送儀式
presentation ceremony;presentation ceremony
1. 例如,贈送20美元比21美元要更好。
For example, gifting $ 20 is better than $ 21.
2. 如果你買這兩本精裝書中的任何一本,電子書都將免費贈送給你。
If you buy any of the two hardback books, e-books will be free for you.
3. 每一客兒童餐我們贈送一袋禮品。
We’re giving away a free goody bag with every children’s meal.
4. 商家透過贈送優惠券造市。
Companies make an effort to activate the market by giving out coupons.
5. 不必付錢,公司贈送。
No charge. Compliments of the company.
6. 公司贈送他一張支票,酬謝他為公司服務四十年。
He was presented with a cheque in recognition of his forty years’service to the company.
7. 我榮幸地代表全體員工向您贈送這件禮物以表示我們的敬愛之情。
On behalf of the entire/whole staff, I have the great pleasure to present you this small gift as a token of our esteem and affection.
8. 管理部確實慷慨地贈送了我們的葡萄酒精品。
The management did graciously comp our wine selection.
9. 贈送,提供,或接受賄金的行為。
The act of offering, giving, or taking bribes.
10. 我知講,您是彼蒼贈送我的天使。
And I know an angel was sent just for me.
贈送(英文:give),讀音zèng sòng,漢語詞語,指的是贈別送行,無代價地將財物或稱號等給予別人。例句為“新年快到了,同學們把自己親手製作的賀年卡贈送給老師。” 近義詞有饋贈。反義詞有璧還。
動詞 give/present as a gift; compliment
1. 每一客兒童餐我們贈送一袋禮品。
We're giving away a free goody bag with every children's meal.
2. 不必付錢,公司贈送。
No charge. Compliments of the company.
3. 向演員贈送花籃
present a basket of flowers to the performers
4. 贈送禮品
present a gift