酒精的英文 酒精用英語怎麼說?
alcohol n.酒精;酒;醇
常用 權威
1. 酒精爐
alcohol heater
2. 酒精燈
spirit lamp; alcohol burner
3. 酒精含量
alcohol level
4. 外用酒精
rubbing alcohol
5. 酒精計
alcoholometer; alcohol meter
6. 酒精性肝炎
alcoholic hepatitis
7. 酒精汽油
8. 酒精飲料
alcoholic drink; spirits
9. 酒精比重計
10. 工業酒精
industrial alcohol;industrial alcohol
11. 精餾酒精
rectified alcohol
12. 固體酒精
solid/solidified alcohol
13. 擦酒精
give alcohol rubs
14. 提煉酒精
distil alcohol (from)
15. 提純酒精
purify alcohol
16. 酒精測試
breath alcohol test
17. 酒精中毒
suffer from alcoholism;alcoholism; alcohol poisoning
18. 變性酒精
denatured alcohol
19. 急性酒精中毒
acute alcoholism
20. 用水摻兌酒精
mix water with alcohol
1. 它提醒人們不要過度使用咖啡和酒精。
It cautions against the overuse of coffee and alcohol.
2. 一瓶酒精和一塊肥皂。
A bottle of rubbing alcohol (醫用酒精) and a bar of soap.
3. 一個陌生人走近她,並遞給她醫用酒精和肥皂。
A stranger came up to her handing her the rubbing alcohol and the soap.
4. 酒精作用於大腦,能令人興奮。
Acting on the brain, alcohol can get a person excited.
5. 水和酒精可按任何比例混合。
Water and alcohol may mingle with each other in any proportions.
6. 酒精是樹脂性物質的溶劑。
Alcohol is a solvent of resinous substances.
7. 啤酒是含酒精的飲料。
Beer is an alcoholic drink.
8. 他開始在酒精、毒品中尋求慰藉。
He turned to drink and drugs for solace.
9. 我沒有被禁止飲用或貯藏酒精飲料。
I have not been interdicted from consuming or holding alcoholic beverages.
10. 飲料發酵了,把一些果汁變成了酒精。
The drink had fermented, turning some of the juice into alcohol.
乙醇(ethanol),結構簡式CH3CH2OH或C2H6O,是醇類的一種,有機化合物,俗稱酒精,是最常見的一元醇。 其在常溫常壓下是一種易燃、易揮發,且具有特殊香味(略帶刺激)的無色透明液體,是常用的燃料、溶劑和消毒劑,也用於有機合成。乙醇與甲醚是同分異構體。 酒精是一種麻醉劑,會刺激大腦,關閉大腦的抑制功能。當大腦承受不住酒精刺激時,就會短暫休息,而大腦中掌管記憶的重要部分被酒精麻痺後,就會出現短暫失憶的現象。
名詞 (ethyl) alcohol
1. 啤酒是含酒精的飲料。
Beer is an alcoholic drink.
2. 不含酒精的飲料
alcohol-free beverage; non-alcoholic drink
3. 精餾/消毒酒精
rectified/surgical spirit
4. 工業酒精
industrial alcohol
5. 提煉酒精
distil alcohol (from)